Finance Offer from Univ of Tennessee Just recieved the email for the coordinator today. This is my first finance offer from US. I know that finance ph.d program at Univ of Tennessee is not very outstanding and the assistantships are not attractive at all, $ 15,000 per year (exclude the summer assistantship). Anyway, good start...
Another Finance Offer from Tilburg Univ (Netherlands) Several weeks ago, I received the AD from Tilburg Univ in Netherlands. Since the ph.d education system in NL (2 years M. Phil + 3 years h.D) is different from that in US, I was admitted in the second years of Master in Phil. Now, I am still waiting for the scholarship for the second year of M.Phil. The Ph.d students will automatically receive salaries from the university (about 1400-1800 euro per month after tax ) besauce they are treated as emploee of the university. Just share the information. Good luck to everyone!
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-3-13 17:30:28编辑过] |