超时5分钟。不过写的时候不专心,也有可能是第一次,所以都不知道该怎么写,分特死了 而且因为小小计了一下时,所以紧张的脑子都空白的,嘚嘚了半天才想起来应该举点例子的……如果到了考试基本没举例子会怎么样? 总之觉得写得牛头不对马嘴,肯定有不少逻辑错误和语法错误,请NN们指点! 1. AI-47 The primary responsibility for preventing environmental damage belongs to government, not to individuals or private industry.” Discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the opinion expressed above. Support your point of view with reasons and/or examples from your own experience, observations, or reading. ---------------------------------------------------------- Faced with environmental problems, it is currently a big issue that everyone should make his own contribution to environmental protection. However, some people assert that environmental protection is such a huge project that only one's contribution is impossible to make any differences. Instead, we should rely on government to carry out the whole project preventing environmental damages. It is true that what one does counts for nothing compared to the gaint nature. But I believe that only by accumulating individual actions can the environmental protection be successful.
Admittedly, one's strength is so small. If everyone is wasting water, what is the use that I save just one drop? However, if everyone thinks this way, no real actions will be taken to protect our environment. This is obvious because no one would obey the environmental protection regulations, making them useless. On the other hand, government may playing a stronger role in such situation. By its impact and rallying point on ordinary people, governmental actions such as funding for a protection program, launching a environmental protection movement, or demanding scientists to draw a conclusion on the environmental problems would have relatively results. Nevertheless, if we just rely on government, it would be dangerous that the environmental protection project will not be implemented thoroughly
On one hand, we all know that government relies on its residents to implement its policies. The famous motto that "water can rise up a boat, as well as ruin a boat", in which people is compared to water while government is a boat in it, suggests the huge power of individual. Imagine that if no one want to obey the government's regulations, how can the passage of them be successfully implemented? Moreover, the government is only an extremely few number of people compared with the whole society. The decision it makes would be biased if it does not listen to the people's voices at all. The governmental regulations can hardly be effectively put into its projected fullplay.
On the other hand, if individuals and private industries can be involved in the protection movement actively, the environmental protection would be better completed. For example, the Nobel Prize for peace in 2004 was a black women who launched the tree-planting movement in Africa. It is because her insist and her action that made a growing number of African people becoming engaged in this movement. And now we can see that the tree-planting movement has somewhat shown its effect on the continent. Individuals, through his own behavior and spirits, would also lead others around him together take action to protect our environment. This is what government cannot do but only individuals can.
In sum, I believe that if both government and individuals or private industry make their joint effort, the environment would be better, the damage level would be lower, the sky would be bluer and the trees would be greener. |