我在写AA的时候有个问题, 比如下面这个 The following appeared in a magazine article on trends and lifestyles.
`In general, people are not as concerned as they were a decade ago about regulating their intake of red meat and fatty cheeses. Walk into the Heart's Delight, a store that started selling organic fruits and vegetables and whole-grain flours in the 1960's, and you will also find a wide selection of cheeses made with high butterfat content. Next door, the owners of the Good Earth Café, an old vegetarian restaurant, are still making a modest living, but the owners of the new House of Beef across the street are millionaires.
攻击的时候可不可以就一件事从多个角度进行? 比如Heart's Delight这个论据,我可不可以先攻击“一个样本不能代表全部” 之后再攻击说“这家店卖肉质品是因为别的原因”
这样子可以吗?会不会削弱说服力? |