以下是引用kndx5在2007-11-28 12:16:00的发言: Marketing phd program at psu and maryland is much better than uw, what joysource mentioned should be wustl.
Your background does not match psu. For psu, most committee members are modeling guys, a big bull in our board who got the offer from a top three program also got rejected by psu just because the committee members like applicant with more technical background.
Technical means statistics in marketing field. psu's director, a student of Jim Berger, has phd degree in statistics from purdue. Another committee member, who is more active, holds a phd degree in statistics from Cambridge.
以下是引用kndx5在2007-11-29 13:28:00的发言: Technical means statistics in marketing field. psu's director, a student of Jim Berger, has phd degree in statistics from purdue. Another committee member, who is more active, holds a phd degree in statistics from Cambridge.
Thanks very much for the information. have to audit STAT courses...hehe
Marketing in Maryland is keep growing. If you check the faculty website of UMD, you will see there are lots of new marketing faculty recruited in the last 4 years. As a student in this program, I would be glad to provide further information under your request.