以下是引用coolforce在2007-11-10 8:38:00的发言: According to a professor in our department, Stanford's management department prefers applicants with sociology background. Moreover, they ONLY accept GRE score. Your GPA is impressive, try contact professors who interest you directly to see if there is any chance. U Chicago (or Kellogg? not sure) prefers sociology students as well. An alternative is try to crank up your GRE, but it would be much more difficult, I would say.
Anyway, good luck.
Well, sociology is always a favor in top research schools such as stanford, chicago, hbs, mit, columbia, kellogg, berkeley, umich, cornell.. but it does not mean that they would like to admit people with strong sociology background. for stanford macro ob group, they only enroll one student with soc background in the past three years. others are sporadic, like mba, ms&e, match, physics...and they have never admitted students directly from china. |