934. While the owner of a condominium apartment has free and clear title to the dwelling, owners of cooperative apartments have shares in a corporation that owns a building and leases apartments to them. (A) While the owner of a condominium apartment has free and clear title to the dwelling, (B) The owner of a condominium apartment has free and clear title to the dwelling, but (C) Whereas owners of condominium apartments have free and clear title to their dwellings, (D) An owner of a condominium apartment has free and clear title to the dwelling, whereas (E) Condominium apartment owners have a title to their dwelling that is free and clear, while
答案C,同意。但C中title 能否加S?我查了一下字典,titles 有字幕,标题之意,但此处做”享有.....权利“(不是“头衔”,谢谢深海的小美人鱼提醒)讲,能否加S,或者说为什么不加S?
[此贴子已经被作者于2003-11-25 5:31:05编辑过] |