我今天刚好也写了这篇,以前有准备过模板,但是跟LZ一样觉得模板未必适合所有题目,所以这篇就没按模板,很简单的写了一下,LZ有的困惑我全都有,这篇我写了一个多小时,其间还查字典找单词用,不会用单词啊。 Some politic men say that responsibility for preserving the natural environment ultimately belongs to each individual person, not to government. Some people will debate that preserving the natural environment is one of the most important duties of the government but not of each individual. Others may buttress the politic men and cite that each individual should do a lot for preserving the natural environment, or our environment will become worse and worse even if our government do its best. While thinking about these two views, I assure that each individual must sacrifice to preserve the natural environment under the government's leading and show why I hold this point in the later discuss.
In one hand, preserving the natural environment is belongs both each individual and government. Preserving the natural environment is relate to all of us, because we all live in the same world and because any little change of the natural environment will lead to a grievous result and affect us more, such as rising temperature, extinction of some creatures. Therefore, it is no doubt that each individual has responsibility for preserving the natural environment. But, we can not neglect that every individual has a self interest and is interested on the short-term economic profit, so individual will not pay more attention on preserving the natural environment while this preservation will lead to his/her losing something. Further more, individual is able to do only a little for environment, but preserving the natural environment is an enormous target for which all people on the Earth work hard, so that organizing individuals by government is inevitable.
In the other hand, policy made by government to preserve the natural environment must be sustained by most individuals. At the beginning, we would make an evident blunder if we insist that preserving the natural environment is one of the most important mission of government in its tour of duty and that the preservation is not the business of any individual. In the last paragraph, however, I have show that preserving the natural environment is event of all human being. Secondly, no matter what that perspective is basing, it is doubtless that no policy of any government can reach its expected aim without participations of its civilian. That is to say, any individual can affect the final result of government’s policy, so each individual should give a hand for preserving the natural environment. For example, China has appeal that people ought to plant more trees in order to improve our environment, and so China adds billions of trees every year with most of Chinese participating (原为名词,改为动名词,妥否?)of this plan.
In conclusion, I assert that it is not wisdom to say that responsibility for preserving the natural environment ultimately belongs to each individual person, not to government. In fact, preserving the natural environment ultimately belongs to every individual person, and government must do its best on organizing its civilian to reach the target――preserving the natural environment. 高手顺路指点一下
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-7-1 23:56:08编辑过] |