首次发帖,编辑了无数次,才发现firefox不能用,换ie才成功。 1)请斑竹告知link去学习江湖切口,并请更改标题成江湖通用切口(缩写) 2) the official guide, GMAT Verbal review, p237第22题 In recent years cattle breeders have increasingly used crossbreeding, in part that their steers should acquire certain characteristics and partly because crossbreeding is said to provide hybrid vigor. (D) partly because certain characteristics should be acquired by their steers (E) partly to acquire certain characteristics in their steers
Answer D Passive voice should be acquired by is awkward and illogical. E Correct. In this sentence, the word partly is used to introduce both reasons; the phrase to acquire certain characteristics is clear and concise.
My question is why D is incorrect and why E is parallelism
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-6-7 10:24:37编辑过] |