59. If the salary cap of the National Basketball Association were to be removed, the cost of running a championship team would increase by at least two million dollars or more. A. If the salary cap of the National Basketball Association were to be removed, the cost of running a championship team would increase by at least two million dollars or more. B. Were the salary cap of the National Basketball Association to be removed, the cost of running a championship team would increase by at least two million dollars. C. Was the salary cap of the National Basketball Association to be removed, the cost of running a championship team would increase by at least two million dollars or more. D. If the salary cap of the National Basketball Association was removed, the cost of running a championship team would increase by at least two million dollars. B E. Should the salary cap of the National Basketball Association be removed, the cost of running a championship team would increase by at least two million dollars or more. 答案选B,D为什么不对
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-5-31 15:47:05编辑过] |