以下是引用gem08132在2007-5-18 22:05:00的发言: "商学院甚至可能认为你考了5次取得了700+的成绩会反映你目标清晰,并有恒心和毅力达到自己设定的目标" never heard of this. as far as i know, most b-schools average out the gmat scores just as law schools do, especially doctoral programs. it'd be another story if the tests are taken years apart and the previous one has lost its relevancy. btw, if the logic applies to b-school. why it won't work for law school? "商学院甚至可能认为你考了5次取得了700+的成绩会反映你目标清晰,并有恒心和毅力达到自己设定的目标" This is really an extreme case. So I use "甚至". In most cases, B school will take the highest GMAT score if you take GMAT multiple times. http://www.manhattangmat.com/blog/index.php/2007/03/19/how-many-times-should-you-take-the-gmat/
I don't know why the method doesn't work for law school. it just doesn't. |