1. Revered by an ill-informed citizenry, the Duke of York was feted opulently for several months before there was denunciation and exile. (A) there was denunciation and exile (B) he was to be denounced with exile (C) being denounced and exiled (D) denunciation and his exile (E) being exiled, having been denounced 17. Erasmus Montanus, a seventeenth-century farce written by Ludwig Holberg, both predates and resembles Moliere’s Tartuffe and is therefore thought to be one of Moliere’s sources. (A) both predates and resembles (B) it both predates and resembles (C) both predated and resembles (D) has both predated and resembled (E) because it both predated and resembled
18. To maintain a high demand for their product, the manufacturers first took over the marketing and sales functions previously performed by outside agents; next, they began changing their advertising campaigns monthly to keep pace with the rapid changes in consumers’ lives. (A) they began changing (B) this began changing (C) the former began changing (D) to begin changing (E) to change
19. The last “wild” Indian in North America, according to anthropologist Alfred Kroeber, was the lone survivor of California’s lost Yahi tribe, which staggered out of the mountains near Lassen Peak in 1912, deep in mourning for the last of his companions, expecting to be butchered and eaten by white ranchers. (A) which (B) who (C) that (D) the survivor having (E) having
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