most up-dated info. 今天早上电话neea,他们确认10月15日的中国考生都没有收到成绩,因为他们没有收到ets寄给他们的成绩.他们说会尽快反映情况来解决,并告诉我他们最近几天可能就会在注册网站上有申明,也许会告诉考生应该怎么办. 但是今天早上我收到ets的信是如是说的: An examinee score record was mailed to you on November 3, 2006 at the following address: (my personal address) If this address is incorrect or incomplete, please reply with your correct address. Upon receipt of your reply, a duplicate score record will be sent to you.
TOEFL scores cannot be sent by fax, e-mail, or given over the telephone. Scores for TOEFL Internet-based testing are posted online 15 business days after the test date (with a few exceptions) and then mailed to you and your designated score recipients. You can view your scores online for free in the Learners and Test Takers section of the TOEFL Web site at
但是要在线看成绩,必须成功登陆,但是我靠ets id是无法登陆的.原因可能就是neea说的,我们只有通过中国注册网站才能用我们的帐号链接到所以依然无法在线看到成绩. 我会再发信给ets去问,随时update最新消息,希望对大家有用. |