以下是引用安卓美达在2006-10-21 17:02:00的发言:一般的期刊上都有相关投稿的要求和格式,违反格式的文章将不会被评审,直接扔进垃圾桶。编辑初审合格会交给匿名评审专家,通过在回到主编,确定出版细节。整个过程至少需要半年到一年的时间。 Depending on the subfield, the whole process can be much longer-- half a year to one year isn't bad, actually. In the strategy/ OT field, many top journals would spend several months (in the worst case, more than one year) to review your article; after that, you will be notified whwther your paper has received the chance to revise and resubmit. The majority of submitions will be "out" in this first round (about 65%-70%). And usually it takes at least 3 months to revise your paper (many people have to spend helf a year to one year, depending on how much the reviewers and editors want you to alter). After the second round, another half of the revised papers will be rejected. Some journals only ask for two rounds of revision, but many ask more than that. Some poor authors would be informed that their papers are rejected after even 3 rounds of revision. It's not uncommon that one paper has to be revised three to four times before it can be published, and this process often takes two years, or even longer. One of the extreme cases I've heard is six years. And the average acceptance rate of top strategy/ OT journals is between 10%- 20% or so.
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