没有想到会考得这么好,之前也就写了七八篇的样子,主要就是把握一下时间。 考完了才深刻体会到,原来字数不是最总要的。主要还是行文逻辑,argument要有合适的模版,不仅如此,还可以准备些段落结尾句。比如, a. without accouting for these factors, the author cannot convince me to believe the conclusion that... , let alone.... b. any of these scenarios, if true, would cast a considerable doubt towards the assumption that c. there is no guarantee that this is the case, nor does the author cite any addtional evidence to support his statement. issue首先要用几个闪光词,更重要的是 任何时候都要说两面性,不要把话说死。就算是完全同意,也要预期反对一下。 some opponents may argue that.... however,.... 就说这些呵,我的写作很菜的,只要细心准备就一定会有很好的成绩的。大家要坚信!! ps:考试的时候,我的电脑突然死机,怎么都敲不上字,但还好猛踹了几下又活过来了,所以遇到突发事件也不要慌,按照原来的pace做下去,还是会有不错的成绩。 |