Original Link: http://www.jasonjay.com/blog/000184.html Justin Olmanson, in a comment on my last entry, requested that I post my Ph.D. application essays. So here they are. The first was for Harvard. Can't seem to stay away from my double alma mater, and they have a very strong program. I applied to the track that joins the GSAS Psychology Department with the Organizational Behavior group at Harvard Business School. Here is my Harvard essay in PDF form. The second is for the MIT Sloan School, where I applied for a Ph.D. in Organization Studies. Here is my MIT essay in PDF Form. This would be a natural evolution from working with Bill Isaacs, since he is a lecturer at Sloan and I have gotten to know several of his colleagues there. I'm also a huge fan of system dynamics, which is hard to study anywhere else. The third application, submitted today, was for Boston College's Carroll School of Management. There I applied to the Organization Studies program, which posed four distinct essay questions. I have included all of them in this PDF of my BC essays. BC is a special place - it seems to me that the Jesuit heritage creates an undertone of spirit-in-action that shows up as a strong commitment to action research and socially conscious scholarship.
[此贴子已经被作者于2006-8-17 19:27:24编辑过] |