用了个网上很流行的TEMPLET练, 后来发现这个T用的人太多, 我改动了较多。。。
AI 13. “Responsibility for preserving the natural environment ultimately belongs to each individual person, not to government.”
The issue of whether individual person or government should be responsible for the preservation of the natural environment is complex and controversial by nature that people of different background and experience may hold diverse views. In my point of view, I more favor the idea that we, as an individual in the society, should be responsible ultimately for preserving the natural environment. However, I also understand that there is no clear-cut opinion on the issue and that some people may conceive a different standpoint. My view will be well substantiated by the following reasoning and analysis. First, a healthy, well-balanced natural environment is essential for a comfortable living of an individual. If the air is polluted and the rivers are contaminated, an individual living on the globe with no fresh air and clean water definitely will have trouble to live a healthy and pleasant life. Therefore, it is wise for an individual to cherish the environment he lives in for his own benefit. Second, we all well understand that there is only one earth, and that the natural resources are limited. Some individuals may think that the damage an individual can do to our natural environment can not be very serious, since the natural resources are so abundant, to an individual. However, the damage can be enormous, if every individual on the earth, commits some “small” damage independently. To illustrate, you may imagine a picture that an individual, who considers his action not a serious harm to natural environment, cuts down a tree in order to build up a fence around his house. What would one tree matter? Anyhow there are some millions and millions of trees on this earth. However, what about if every individual thinks in this philosophy and decides to cut down one tree? There are 6.3 billion people on this planet today and the 6.3 billion individuals can make our planet barren!
Second, we all well understand that there is only one earth, and that the natural resources are limited. Some individuals may think that the damage an individual can do to our natural environment can not be very serious, since the natural resources are so abundant, to an individual. However, the damage can be enormous, if every individual on the earth, commits some “small” damage independently. To illustrate, you may imagine a picture that an individual, who considers his action not a serious harm to natural environment, cuts down a tree in order to build up a fence around his house. What would one tree matter? Anyhow there are some millions and millions of trees on this earth. However, what about if every individual thinks in this philosophy and decides to cut down one tree? There are 6.3 billion people on this planet today and the 6.3 billion individuals can make our planet barren! Admittedly, I agree that government effort plays a great role in the preservation of our natural environment, especially when joint government efforts are called for internationally. However, as to my understanding, government helps to regulate the way in which we can do with our environment. It acts more like an instructional guideline. But it is virtually an individual who can regulate what he himself should do. It is possible that government creates great rules for preserving the natural environment, but every individual just ignores that rule and acts on his own. Furthermore, only when an individual accepts from heart as his own responsibility to preserve the natural environment, but not just be imposed by law to do so, can he virtually act in all aspects spontaneously to preserve the environment. In summary, my view that every individual is ultimately responsible for the preservation of the natural environment is well-grounded for above discussed reasons, while I don’t deny that government also plays an important role in this long-run. (482 words)
[此贴子已经被作者于2006-8-9 11:52:55编辑过] |