这里有2道语法题,作了之后发现我竟然不知道need作名词时是否可数。在这里请教大家了! 35. By 1900 several prominent technical institutions,including the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, fashioned its own educational offerings to meet the industrial needs of the United States. 这道题我认为是B,这里明显应该用their,可是有人说应该是D,need作名词不可数。我查了longman字典也没发现need作名词到底可不可数。于是在语法大全里找了一下,找到ets的一道题,need作名词可数。现摘入: 1997年01月北美语法题 15. Beneath the streets of a modern city ____ of walls, columns, cables, pipes, and tunnels required to satisfy the needs of its inhabitants. (A) where exists the network (B) the existing network (C) the network’s existence (D) exists the network 因此,我认为need可数!!!
35. By 1900 several prominent technical institutions,including the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, fashioned its own educational offerings to meet the industrial needs of the United States