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发表于 2003-9-27 22:52:00 | 只看该作者


Thunderbird虽然在INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS排名第1, 可在其他方向上几乎是从未听闻. 而且international business这个方向总感觉满空的... 有在那里的XDJM能说说情况吗? 而且听说Arizona那里的就业还有气候都不怎么样,是吗?

哎,自己主要是GMAT考的太烂了, 现在只能先focus在30之后的学校上了....

发表于 2003-9-28 16:59:00 | 只看该作者
I hear it is not so good. Easy to enter, easy to feel regretted

发表于 2003-9-29 13:43:00 | 只看该作者
Hi, Valentine,

Can you share with us where you got that info regarding Thurderbird?  Is it from someone that attended there?  I heard from some people that they have a strong alumni network in international business.  

Oh, chrisgmat, my friend lives in AZ and it's very hot there in the summer.  110F above at times.  But the rest of the year is not so bad.
 楼主| 发表于 2003-9-29 22:30:00 | 只看该作者
以下是引用boarderlee在2003-9-29 13:43:00的发言:
Hi, Valentine,

Can you share with us where you got that info regarding Thurderbird?  Is it from someone that attended there?  I heard from some people that they have a strong alumni network in international business.  

Oh, chrisgmat, my friend lives in AZ and it's very hot there in the summer.  110F above at times.  But the rest of the year is not so bad.

yh, my friend in US call me today, and mentioned that place always over 35C from July-Sept, and 39C is very common... god!

Regarding its program, my friend, previous T-bird MBA mentioned the program is not bad for persons who want to focus on trading, business development.  Anyway, this friend is Latin Amerian, I really want to hear some comments from previous Chinese attendees......

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