以下是引用leeciao在2003-9-25 10:55:00的发言:
1,其实昨天这位女士并不想给我interview,因为她的时间安排很紧,我当时觉得interview对我太重要了,且想操练一把,就不断的push她,后来她没办法了,只好约了今早7点。 Q:不知老外对这种“逼”会不会很反感?
Leeciao, congratulations on your earlier actions.
Normally, the adcoms will regard you as an aggressive person, who all b-schools are eager to recruit. So, don't worry about that.
2,我昨晚和今早面试时我都说我是公司的assisant consultant,可我给的名片上分明的注明我是公司的sales mgr.;(并且我说我是 assisant consultant时,说得结结巴巴,我自己都觉得很假。 Q: 这种算是cheating?会不会很严重?我现在该如何做弥补?需要特意写封信去解释吗?会有欲盖弥彰之嫌吗? It's not a big matter. But, what you should learn from this experience is that you MUST keep confidence when explaining question raised by adcoms.
3,面试时她向我要RESUME,我告诉她,没做好。(其实真是情况是我还没有开始写这所学校的essay。) Q: 不良影响有多大?听说老外非常重视interview时一定要有resume在手。 Yes. You are expected to have your resume at hand, when you conduct interviews. And you can prepare your resume first.
Keep rolling! You know practising makes perfect, for almost everything.