写的时候没有计时,不过好像写了满久的,而且老是觉得没有什么话说 大家有什么建议吗?谢谢!!! 27.”A company’s long-term success is primarily dependent on the job satisfaction and the job security felt by the company’s employees.” What is the most important factor to a company's long-term success? Different people may hold different opinions due to their respective angles. The arguer claims that a company's long-term success is primarily dependent on the job satisfaction and the job security felt by the company's employees. In my view, employees' job satisfaction is one of the crucial factors to the company's long-term success, but job security is not very important. Besides, many other factors also play a vital role in deciding whether the company can succeed. In the first place, the company is more likely to achieve success when its employees are satisfied with their jobs. According to an experiment, in which the workers from a plant were divided into two groups and one group of workers work in a colorful workplace while the other group works in a grey room, the first group of workers who like their workplace showed much higher efficiency than the second one. The result reveals that a good mood results in high performance. If the employees are dissatisfied with their job, it is hard to imagine that they will keep in a good mood. They probably do with their tasks in an uncreative and sluggish manner, arrive late for job, and find various excuses for leave. All these will do damage to the company's productivity, and its long-term development. However, job security cannot contribute much to a company's long-term success. Admittedly, the employees may feel anxious when their positions are not guaranteed. In this case, they will probably spare no effort to finish their work as well as possible so as to keep themselves in the position and win the chance of promotion. On the contrary, too much confidence in the job security may foster complacency, which in turn reduces the employees' creativity and productivity. Moreover, many young people today regard job security as the least important factor when they are seeking for a job. They prefer working with various kinds of companies to staying in the same company for a long time. Therefore job security is more and more unimportant to a company's long-term success as well as to the employees. In addition, a company should consider many other factors in the approach to business success, such as the organization structure, the marketing strategy and the economic environment. All these factors play a significant role in a company's development. To sum up, given the reasons discussed above, which sometimes intertwine to form an organic whole and thus become more persuasive, we may safely arrive at the conclusion that job satisfaction and some other factors are crucial to a company's success, but job security is less important and even unimportant in some cases.