Please provide the full names, home addresses, telephone numbers, colleges attended and degrees, positions and current employers of your mother, father, and spouse or partner in this space. Are they still living?
Faint! What kind of school asks those questions? Columbia?
'Retired' is the correct answer. I'm not sure about 'living', could it be 'alive'? Bottom line, it doesn't matter to adcoms, so don't waste your time on those issues, just type whatever is understandable to you.
以下是引用chipmunk在2003-9-20 8:53:00的发言: Faint! What kind of school asks those questions? Columbia?
'Retired' is the correct answer. I'm not sure about 'living', could it be 'alive'? Bottom line, it doesn't matter to adcoms, so don't waste your time on those issues, just type whatever is understandable to you.
ft ft ft, just this Columbia... make me a little angry...