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[面试经验] (已录取) UBC Sauder FTMBA (小奖), York Schulich FTMBA (无奖)

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发表于 2023-10-27 21:25:49 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
申请过程中,CD 上的资讯给了许多信心和鼓励,故分享以回馈 CD。

<UBC 面经> 约 40 分钟,follow-up questions 问得很细
1. Why UBC? Why Vancouver? Why MBA at this stage of your life?
2. We have a very diverse cohort. What can you learn from this diversity?
3. Any club you want to join if you are admitted?
4. Tell me about one corrective feedback you have received.
5. Are you familiar with our school's values? (Rigor, Respect, Responsibility) Which one do you most agree with?
6. Tell me about a time that you felt challenged in a different culture.
7. What is the most significant social involvement you have participated in?
8. Tell me about one bad decision that you have made as a leader. Did you make any changes afterwards?
9. In what ways can you contribute to your cohort?
10. Any questions?

<York 面经> 约 25 分钟,问题问完後讨论学校资源如何和你的 career goal 对接
1. Tell me about what you are doing now.
2. What is your understanding about EDI in leadership?
3. Tell me something that is not in your resume.
4. If there is only one thing about you that I can tell the admission committee, what is it?
5. There will be a large-scale group project in your second term, which is demanding and directly involved with the companies we cooperate with. What will be the two pieces of advice that you will offer your team members?
6. Are you engaged in any social involvement? Tell me about it.

希望能帮助到想申请 UBC 和 York MBA 的朋友们!

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发表于 2023-11-1 15:02:58 | 只看该作者
发表于 2024-1-10 11:51:14 | 只看该作者
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