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1.(141)Found even in ancient Egyptian mummies, the parasitic Guinea worm became the focus of a global public health campaign in 1986; this species of parasite has declined for two decades, and may finally be eradicated from the earth by 2010.
(A) Found even in ancient Egyptian mummies, the parasitic Guinea worm became the focus of a global public health campaign in 1986; this species of parasite has
(B) Being the focus of a global public health campaign since 1986 and found even in ancient Egyptian mummies; the population of the parasitic Guinea worm has
(C) Having been the focus of a global public health campaign in 1986, it was found even in ancient Egyptian mummies; the frequency of the parasitic Guinea worm
(D) Being found even in ancient Egyptian mummies and having been the focus of a global public health campaign since 1986, the frequency of the parasitic Guinea worm
(E) Having been found even in ancient Egyptian mummies and being the focus of a global public health campaign since 1986, the parasitic Guinea worm species
2.(142)By choosing glass apartments towering a hundred feet over brownstone units designed for earlier generations, seemingly younger-than-ever moneyed professionals have embraced a modern design ethic that accentuated their luxury-laden lives.
(A) By choosing glass apartments towering a hundred feet over brownstone units designed for earlier generations, seemingly younger-than-ever moneyed professionals have embraced a modern design ethic that accentuated
(B) By choosing glass apartments towering a hundred feet over brownstone units designed for earlier generations, seeming younger-than-ever moneyed professionals have embraced a modern design ethic that accentuates
(C) In choosing glass apartments in hundred-foot towers instead of brownstone units designed for earlier generations, seemingly younger-than-ever moneyed professionals have embraced a modern design ethic that accentuates
(D) In choosing glass apartments in hundred-foot towers instead of brownstone units designed for earlier generations, seemingly younger-than-ever moneyed professionals have embraced a modern design ethic that accentuated
(E) In choosing glass apartments towering a hundred feet over brownstone units designed for earlier generations, seeming younger-than-ever moneyed professionals have embraced a modern design ethic, accentuating
3.(143)The 1918 flu pandemic is thought to have been unusually virulent due to the fact that the predominant flu strain at that time provoked healthy immune systems to overproduce certain molecules, called cytokines, that are necessary for normal immune function but can lead to multisystem organ failure when present in large quantities.
(A) due to the fact that the predominant flu strain at that time provoked healthy immune systems to overproduce certain molecules, called cytokines, that are necessary for normal immune function
(B) due to the fact that the predominant flu strain provoked healthy immune systems and overproduced certain molecules, called cytokines, that are necessary for normal immune function at that time
(C) because the predominant flu strain provoked healthy immune systems to overproduce certain molecules, called cytokines, at that time that are necessary for normal immune function
(D) because the predominant flu strain provoked healthy immune systems and overproduced certain molecules, called cytokines, at that time that are necessary for normal immune function
(E) because the predominant flu strain at that time provoked healthy immune systems and overproduced certain molecules, called cytokines, that are necessary for normal immune function
4. (144)Foods high in tryptophan, an amino acid that is a precursor to serotonin, can help people to fall asleep by reducing anxiety, relaxing the brain, and in regulating the sleep cycle.
A. reducing anxiety, relaxing the brain, and in regulating
B. means of reducing anxiety, relaxing the brain, and in the regulation of
C. reducing anxiety, relaxing the brain, and regulation of
D. reducing anxiety, relaxing the brain, and regulating
E. means of reducing anxiety, relaxing the brain, and regulating
5.(145)The American Heart Association reported recently that cardiovascular disease nearly accounted for 18 million deaths worldwide in 2015, a number forecasted by 2030 to increase to more than 23 million annually.
A. reported recently that cardiovascular disease nearly accounted for 18 million deaths worldwide in 2015, a number forecasted by 2030 to increase to more than 23 million annually
B. reported recently that cardiovascular disease nearly accounted for 18 million deaths worldwide in 2015 and forecasted to increase to more than 23 million annually by 2030
C. recently reported that cardiovascular disease accounted in 2015 for nearly 18 million deaths worldwide and forecasted by 2030 to increase to more than 23 million annually
D. recently reported that cardiovascular disease accounted for nearly 18 million deaths worldwide in 2015, a number forecasted to increase to more than 23 million annually by 2030
E. recently reported that cardiovascular disease nearly accounted for 18 million deaths worldwide in 2015, forecasted to increase by 2030 to more than 23 million annually
6.(146)The pioneering research of Lewis Latimer and Thomas Edison, who became known for his invention of the light bulb, accelerated the development of the first power plant, which opened in New York City in 1882.
A. of Lewis Latimer and Thomas Edison, who became known for his invention of the light bulb,
B. of Lewis Latimer and Thomas Edison, known for his invention of the light bulb,
C. of Thomas Edison, known for his invention of the light bulb, and Lewis Latimer
D. of Lewis Latimer and Thomas Edison became known for his invention of the light bulb and
E. that was conducted by Thomas Edison, who became known for his invention of the light bulb, and Lewis Latimer
7.(147)In preparation for the cold winter months, it was the usual custom for prehistoric people to gather and preserve, with smoke or by salting it, as much meat that they could during the summer.
(A) it was the usual custom for prehistoric people to gather and preserve, with smoke or by salting it, as much meat that they could during the summer.
(B) prehistoric people usually gathered as much meat as they could during the summer, preserving it either by smoking or salting
(C) it was the usual custom of prehistoric people to gather and preserve, either with smoke or by salting, as much meat that they could during the summer
(D) prehistoric people had the usual custom of gathering and preserving as much meat, either by smoking or salting it, as they could during the summer
(E) it was usually that prehistoric people would gather and preserve as much meat as they could, which was either smoked or salted during the summer
8.(148)Modern-day snakes are believed to evolve from four-legged lizards, but scientists were divided over whether that phase of evolution occurred on land or in the sea; the recent discovery of fossils of a land-dwelling snake with two legs provides new information for the ongoing debate.
A. evolve from four-legged lizards, but scientists were
B. have evolved from four-legged lizards, but scientists are
C. evolve from four-legged lizards, but scientists are
D. have evolved from four-legged lizards, but scientists were
E. be evolving from four-legged lizards, but scientists were
9.(149)The portion of the interest earned on the state university’s endowment that is set aside to fund merit scholarships for outstanding high school seniors is more numerous than that set aside to fund the university’s high-powered athletic program.
(A) is more numerous than
(B) are more numerous than
(C) is greater than
(D) is greater
(E) are greater than
10.(150)Despite Beethoven's traditional status as the first great Romantic composer, he is considered by some musicologists to be the last great composer of the Classical era.
A. Despite Beethoven's traditional status as the first great Romantic composer, he is considered by some musicologists to be the last great composer of the Classical era.
B. Despite Beethoven's traditional status as the first great Romantic composer, he is considered the last great composer of the Classical era by some musicologists.
C. Although his status is traditionally as the first great Romantic composer, Beethoven is considered as being the last great composer of the Classical era by some musicologists.
D. Despite his traditional status as the first great Romantic composer, Beethoven is considered the last great composer of the Classical era by some musicologists.
E. Although he is traditionally considered to be the first great Romantic composer, some musicologists consider Beethoven as the last great composer of the Classical era.