HKU Business School Recruiting Ph.D. students
The marketing area at the University of Hong Kong Business School (Faculty of Business and Economics) consists of globally leading researchers and faculty members. Their research has been published in leading interdisciplinary venues such as Nature, Nature Communications, Proceedings of the National Academy of Science (PNAS), Psychological Sciences, Science Advances, as well as premium business and economics journals including Econometrica, Marketing Science, Journal of Marketing Research, Journal of Marketing, Journal of Consumer Research, and Harvard Business School Publishing.
The marketing area has multiple openings for quant Ph.D. students this year and the next. We are currently seeking students to work on empirical data modeling of millions of users’ digital traces. Candidates should have solid training from three key areas – domain knowledge such as marketing/economics, computer science, and statistics/econometrics. Students with experience in econometrics and causal modeling, economic structural models, MCMC, choice models, Bayesian methods, and statistics is a plus. The faculty members have excellent access to quality data through working closely with a number of leading industry partners such as Facebook Data Science, Tencent, social media platforms, video streaming sites, major e-commerce and retail platforms, FinTech platforms, MarTech platforms, logistics and transportation, and digital platforms.
We are also seeking one CB Ph.D. student. Candidates should have a strong background in experimental psychology and statistics. We are interested in candidates with a strong background in social psychology, judgment decision-making/behavioral economics, cognitive science, or neuroscience.
We offer one of the most globally competitive scholarships which cover tuition and a stipend. Our program is a small but tight-knit program, and we treat our Ph.D. students and colleagues like family. We recruit small cohorts to maximize our students’ potential in the job market. Our faculty members have a successful track record with Ph.D. students receiving faculty offers from top universities in mainland China (Fudan University, Tsinghua University, Nanjing University, Harbin Institute of Technology, Shanghai Jiaotong, Southwestern University of Finance and Economics), in Hong Kong and Greater Bay Area (Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong Baptist University), Europe (Erasmus University), in greater Asia (SKKU Graduate School of Business (Korea), Moratuwa University (Sri Lanka)), and the USA.
More information about us can be found at and
In addition, please feel free to visit the links below for more details on Recruitment Camp for Prospective Ph.D. Students, Pre-doctoral Programme, and Ph.D. Programme: • Recruitment Camp for Prospective Ph.D. Students (application deadline: June 18, 2021): • Pre-doctoral Programme (application deadline: June 30, 2021): • Ph.D. Programme (application deadline: on or before January 2022):