HKU Faculty of Business and Economics Masters Programmes
Early Admissions Scheme (Intake 2020)
Early Admissions Scheme invites Year 3 undergraduate students to apply for the 2020 intake of the following one-year full-time Masters Programmes before the end of May, 2019.
A Pre-Conditional Offer plus Early Admissions Scholarship of 20% of total tuition fee will be offered to selected candidates.
Students from all disciplines are welcome!
HKU Masters Programmes Open Info Session - Shanghai (4/10)
Date: April 10, 2019 (Wed)
Time: 19:00 - 20:00
Venue: 上海杨浦区邯郸路 199 号皇冠假日酒店 2 楼光华厅 1+2
Register: Click here
HKU Masters Programmes Open Info Session - Beijing (4/16)
Date: April 16, 2019 (Tue)
Time: 19:00 - 20:00
Venue: 北京海淀区知春路 106 号皇冠假日酒店 3 楼会议室 2
Register: Click here
HKU Faculty of Business and Economics Masters Programmes
Master of Accounting
At HKU MAcct, you will develop core competencies in accounting, finance, management and analytics that are vital for you to succeed as a professional accountant, financial expert and business leader.
Master of Economics
The HKU MEcon Programme aims at providing rigorous training in economics to committed students who strive to prosper in an increasingly complex yet opportunity-rich global economy.
Master of Finance
The HKU MFin is an interdisciplinary programme aiming to provide motivated individuals with not only cutting-edge training in financial theory, but also the necessary mathematical, statistical and computer training allowing them to apply the knowledge in a multitude of financial disciplines.
Master of Science in Business Analytics
Our MSc(BA) programme is designed for individuals who are interested in the theories and methods of analyzing large volumes of data to gain competitive advantages and strategic insights in today's business world.
Master of Science in Marketing
The HKU Master of Science in Marketing programme is designed for young professionals who seek to acquire the latest knowledge, managerial insights and best industry practices to advance their careers to director and vice-president positions in marketing and related positions.
For more information:
Email: fbemsc@hku.hk
Website: www.fbe.hku.hk/meascheme/