Chapter 5 Parallelism
- 平行标志词:rather than;from… to; …but…
平行结构意在消除ambiguity ***
- 对于open marker (如..but…, …and…, ….rather than…)结构和语义相同,并不代表平行词句是一样的; RON建议从右往左确定平行的内容是什么。
There are many ppl who speak Eng but whose parents do not.
- 对于closed marker (如both… and….; not only… but also…), 平行词一定是一样的
Ralph likes both those who are popular and those who are not well-known.
- A rapid improvement in motor function and vision was observed. (这个提升是在motor function和vision领域的)
- Historians have uncovered new evidence, confirming several theories and giving rise to new hypotheses. (comfirming和giving rise并列结构是对evidence的补充。)
- Nouns: ing with action noun (ing名词可以和行为动词并列)
i.e.: the upsiring AND the escape
i.e.: eats and drank
- 分词:也可以形式不一样 (现在分词与过去分词,但是不常见)
i.e.: fatigued and dreaming
***实在不确认两者是否平行的时候,就把一句话变为两句,看平行成分是否make sense。两句单独看是否平行。
分层平行 i.e.: She argues that the agency acts with reckless abandon and with disregard for human life AND property.
Consider A. B In contrast to A, B Distinguish A from B Estimate A to be B Make A for B Think of A as B View A as B Whether A or B
Etc. 详见 Chapter 6, Chapter 9 之后会补充
系动词前后平行: 逻辑与语义上的平行,但也要注意并列结构 - The bouquet of flowers was a gift of love. (WAS为系动词,bouquet ---> gift, a noun with noun)
- The bouquet of flowers was a giving of love. (错误。因为 giving为ing形式,ing只能和ing或者行为动词平行,复习上面并列特殊规则的第一点,这一条最特殊,其余一般都与同一词性平行)***
- 常见系动词 (难记的):being (v-ing),appear, become, feel, grow, look, remain, represent, resemble, seem, smell, sound,stay, taste, turn --> 感官动词, 方向动词/过程动词,状态动词
OG 19Parallelism习题(每一行由上至下代表Easy ---Medium---- Hard):