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[学校信息] MBA Program, University of San Diego圣地亚哥大学

发表于 2018-4-7 07:57:03 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
本帖由University of San Diego, MBA 招生办公室管理

这篇帖子意在为打算申请,正在申请或已经申请的同学们提供与学校、MBA 项目以及衣食住行有关的全方位信息。本帖内容包括学校介绍、MBA项目介绍、周边衣食住行等。

一、 学校简介

University of San Diego(圣地亚哥大学) 成立于1949年,位于美国加利福尼亚州最南部美丽的海滨城市圣地亚哥市,是一所著名的罗马天主教大学,隶属天主教会,是美国最美丽的校园之一。目前圣地亚哥大学共有8个院系分别为the College of Arts and Sciences、the School of Business Administration、Engineering、Law、Leadershipand Education Sciences、Nursing and Health Sciences、Peace Studies and Division of Professional and Continuing Education。现有来自美国及全球其他70多个国家的学生共8905人,其中本科5774人,研究生及博士生2327人,法学院804人。

二、MBA 项目介绍
圣地亚哥大学MBA项目包括Full-Time MBA, International MBA,Professional MBA and MBA Dual Degrees。在2018年Financial Time 的排名中,圣地亚哥大学MBA项目在圣地亚哥排名第一,加州第六,在全美前100 MBA 项目中排名第五十。

Full-Time MBA 2-year and Accelerated
International MBA
Professional MBA Evening Format
Professional MBA Hybrid Format
Who it's for
Full-time students
Full-time students
Working professionals
Working professionals
Program start
22 months or 17 months
11 months
24-36 months on average
24-36 months on average
Year one: Monday- Thursday, full-time. Career and Professional Development activities on selected Fridays

Year two: Core classes offered Monday-Thursday during the day, elective coursework offered in the evenings

Madrid: Classes offered in a daytime format

San Diego: Mix of daytime and evening classes plus Career and Professional Development activities on Fridays

Typically two evenings per week on campus

Program begins with one week of full-time, daytime orientation activities and first MBA class

One weekend (Saturday and Sunday) per month on campus plus online coursework

Program begins with one week of full-time, daytime orientation activities and first MBA class

Program elements
Semester-long consulting project and/or short-term international consulting project
Short-term international consulting project
Short-term international consulting project and study abroad options
short-term interntional consulting project ans study abroad options

1. Full-Time MBA (17 or 22-month program)
要求完成56个学分,其中Core Courses 34个学分,Elective Courses 22个学分

Core Courses Requirements (34 credits)

I. Responsible Leadership Development
GSBA 515-Leading Multicultural Teams and Organizations Career and Professional Development Course Leadership Labs (Required International Experience)

II. Business Function Core
GSBA 504- Marketing for Global Managers
GSBA 505- Financial Management and Analysis
GSBA 506- Operations and the Global Supply Chain Management
GSBA 510- Financial Accounting and statement Analysis
GSBA 518 Economics in a Global Environment

III. Corporate Social Respinsibility, Sustainability and Ethics
GSBA 508- Law, Policy and Ethics in Global Business
GSBA 517- Sustainable Business Model Innovation and Design
(Elective in CSR/Sustainability/Ethic area. Two business related community service activities)

IV. Integrative Problem Solving
GSBA 500- Strategic Thinking and Communication
GSBA 502- Statistical Decision Making
GSBA 503- Problem Formulation and Decision Analysis
GSBA 590- Agile Strategies
GSBA 595- Business Consulting Project or
GSBA 593 International Consulting Project

Electives (22 credits): Eight Concentrations

1) Finance Concentration
Completion of courses towards the Finance Concentration will provide students with the requisite knowledge and skill set to pursue career oppotunities in corporate finance, multinational management and in venture capital finance. Additional career oppotunities include business consulting and investment banking. Students pursing this concentration are required to complete at least 12 units of electives as indicated below.

Required Courses
GSBA 520 Advanced Corporate Finance
GSBA 521 Investment

Selec at least 6 units of the following:
GSBA 522 Advanced Seminar in Finance and Investments
GSBA 523 International Financial Mangement
GSBA 524 Entrepreneurial Finance
GSBA 525 Commercial Real Estate Finance and Investment
GSBA 527 Financial Statement Analysis
GSBA 528 Business Cycles and Forecasting
GSBA 541 Negotiations for Entrepreneurial Ventures
GSBA 594 Special Topics (In Finance)

2) International Business Concentration
The International Business  Concentration offers the MBA students the oppotunity to gain international expertise by selecting electives that emphasize international topics. The need for managers with a globle perspetive continues to grow as international trade and overseas markets become increasingly important. Students pursuing this concentrations are required to complete at least 12 units of electives as indicated below, including a munimum of two courses offered abroad.

Requred Courses
GSBA 523 International Financial Mangement
GSBA 532 International Comparative Management
GSBA 593 International Consulting Project

Select at least 4 units of the following:
GSBA 553 Seminar in Global Marketing
GSBA 582 Advanced International Business Negotiations
GSBA 583 Business and Social Innovation
GSBA 584 Microfinance and Wealth Creation
GSBA 585 Business Environment of Asia and The Pacific Rim
GSBA 586 Europe in the Global Economy
GSBA 587 Latin American Business Environment
GSBA 594 Special Topics (In International Business)

3) Managerial Leadership Concentration
Oppotunities in human resources, project, program and organizational change management. The Management Concentration allows students to focus their electives in the management area to gain additional expertise in the filed beyongd the core business coureses. Students pursuing this concentration are required to complete at least 12 units of any combination of the following electives:

GSBA 512 Negotiations
GSBA 530 Human Resources Management
GSBA 531 Business Leadership and Spirituality
GSBA 532 International Comparative Management
GSBA 533 Organization Change and Design
GSBA 534 Value, Ethics and Corporate Culture
GSBA 535 Interpersonal and group Dynamics
GSBA 536 Current Topics in Management Consulting
GSBA 537 Entrepreneurship
GSBA 539 Power in Politics
GSBA 581 Global Entrepreneurship for Social Change
GSBA 582 Advanced International Buisness Negotiations
GSBA 583 Business and Social Innovation
GSBA 594 Special Topics

4) Marketing Concenrtation
Completion of courses towards the Marketing Concentration will provide students with the requisite knowledge and skill set to pursue career opportunities in product and brand management, advertising, public relations, multinational marketing management and other ares in the marketing filed. Students pursuing this concentration are reuqired to complete at least 12 units of electives as indicated below.

Required Course
GSBA 550 Marketing Research

Select at least 9 units of the following:
GSBA 551 Seminar in Consumer Behavior
GSBA 553 Seminar in Global Marketing
GSBA 554 Strategic Marketing
GSBA 555 Brand Management
GSBA 556 New Product Development
GSBA 558 High Technology Marketing
GSBA 594 Special Topics

5) Supply Chain Management Concentration
Supply chain management focuses on the design, development and management of relationships, both inside the firm and with the firms' supply world. These relationships are essential to ensure a smooth flow of quality goods, sevices and technology which optimized end customer satisfaction. The program integrates three key legs: procurement, logistics and information systems. Studens also will be able to participate in the activities of the Supply Chain Management Institute. Students pursuing this concentration are required to complete at least 12 units of electives as indicated below.

Required Courses
GSBA 511 Managerial Accounting
GSBA 560 Supply Chain Systems

Select at least 7 units of the following:
GSBA 512 Negotiatons
GSBA 528 Business Cycles and Forecasting
GSBA 561 Supply Management
GSBA 562 Strategic Cost Management
GSBA 563 Sustainbale Global Supply Chain Management
GSBA 594 Special Topics

6) New Venture Management Concentration
The New Venture Management Concentration is intended for students interested in understanding the skills required to successfully launch and manage new ventures in entrepreneurial or corporate organizational settings. Each course in this concenrtation addresses strategies and managerial actions required for the successful exploitation of oppotunities that deliver above-average returns to the organiztaion and its investors. Students pursuing this concentration are required to complete at 12 units of electives as indicated below.

Requird Courses
GSBA 524 Entrepreneurial Finance
GSBA 537 Entrepreneurship

Select at least 6 units of the following:
GSBA 511 Managerial Accounting
GSBA 528 Business Cycles and Forecasting
GSBA 530 Human Resources Management
GSBA 533 Organization Change and Design
GSBA 540 Taxeds in Business Decisions
GSBA 541 Negotiations for Entrepreneurial Ventures
GSBA 556 New Product Development
GSBA 594 Special Topics

7)  Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainable Enterprise Concentration
The Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustaunable Enterprise Concentration prepares students to strive to achieve success in the triple bottom line:
economic, environmental and social. Courses analyze what business must do to be socially reponsible in a global landscape. Students develop leadership skills to face complex managerial decisions to align economic wealth creation and social value. A focal point is on management and governance systems, as well as personla values, leading to responsible conduct by firms and their employees. Students pursuing this concentratioon are reuqired to complete at least 12 units of any combination of the following electives:

GSBA 513 Corproate Governance and Values
GSBA 531 Business Leadership and Spirituality
GSBA 534 Values, Ethics and Corporate Culture
GSBA 564 Sustainable Global Supply Chain Management
GSBA 581 Global Entrepreneurship for Social Change
GSBA 583 Business and Social Innovation
GSBA 584 Microfinance and Wealth Creation
GSBA 594 Special Topics

8)  Business Analytics ( New from 2018 Fall)
The Business Analytics MBA concentration will provide you with a competitive edge in a rapidly changing job market by equipping you with applied analytics skills to help you make informed, data-driven, business decisions.

Required Courses
-Big Data and Business Analytics
-Data Base Foundations and Interactive Database Visualization
-Customer Analytics
-Prescriptive Analytics

2. MBA Dual Degree

Choose from one of four Intra-University dual degrees.
-Juris Doctor (JD/MBA)
-Master's in Real Estate (MSRE/MBA)
-Master's in Finance (MSF/MBA)
-Certificate in Nonprofit Management

Or earn your MBA here and another degree internationally

MBA or MS in Finance from Tecnologico de Monterrey (Tec) in Mexico
After you study for your MBA at USD, you will head south to EGADE Business School of the Tecnologico de Monterrey to earn either your Master's in Finance or Mexican MBA. This university is the leading graduate business school in Mexico and Latin America. And, they're well-known for developing innovative and entrepreneurial business leaders.

MBA from WHU-Otto Beisheim School of Management in Germany
If you'd like to earn a second MBA degree in Europe, we welcome you to study at the WHU-Otto Beisheim Graduate School of Management. Located in Vallendar, this private institution is ranked by the Financial Times as one of the best business schools in Germany.

3. Class Profile

Full-Time MBA Professional MBA
New Students 39 43
Average Age 28 (23-43) 31
Average Work Experience 4.3 years 7 years
Average GPA 3.3 3.2
Average GMAT 611 580
From the entering Full-Time and Professional (Part-time) MBA classes of 2017.

4. Study Abroad Opportunity
As a USD School of Business graduate student, you're welcome to swap a semester in San Diego for a semester overseas at one of our many partner universities around the world. Not only will you get to experience the sights and sounds of another culture, but you'll earn graduate credits toward your MBA degree.

Partner University Exchange Term
China Fudan University Fall/Spring
Guanghua School of Management at Peking UniversityFall/Spring

Nanjing University Fall/Spring
Antai Collge at Shanghai Jiao Tong University Fall/Spring
Argentina IAE in Buonos Aires Fall
Colombia Universidad de los Andes Fall/Spring
Germany WHU, Otto Beisheim School of Management Fall/Spring
Greece ALBA Graduate Business School Fall/Spring
India Institute of Management Technology Fall/Spring/ Summer
Italy LUISS Business School Fall/Spring/ Summer
Bocconi Fall
Japan University of Tsukuba Fall/Spring/ Summer
Korea Korean University Business School Fall/Spring/ Summer
Mexico Tecnologico de Monterrey Fall/Spring
Philippines Asian Institute of Management
Portugal The Lisbon MBA Fall
Spain Escuela de Alta Direcciony Adminstracion Spring/Summer
IE instituto de Empresa Fall/Spring
Brazil Graduate Business School of the Federal University Summer/Fall

5. Short-Term International Consulting Projects
At USD, we believe international consulting is one of the best ways to prepare yourself for a career in a global business environment. You'll have the opportunity to apply the business concepts and hands-on traning you've learned in class to real-world business situations abroad.

The international business practicum is a field-based, short-term consulting project for an organization in another country to address a current and problem which they have identified. In some cases, your project team might include other USD business school students and graduate business from a university in another country. We typically organize these projects in January (between the regualr semesters) and locations vary each year. In the last few years, students have consulted in Rio de Janerio, Brazil; Bangkok, Thailand; Buenos Aires, Argentina; Shanghai, China; Singapore; Munich, Germany; Delhi, India and Accra, Ghana.

2018年寒假,MBA 同学们分别飞到全球不同大洲包括上海,布宜斯诺艾力斯,慕尼黑,里约等地参加学校组织的商业实践项目。在学习的同时深入世界500强公司与其员工一起合作完成体验项目,是十分难得并且有意义的体验。

6. Job Opportunity
-71% of our graduates accept employment within 90 days of graduation.

-Career Development Class

这是学校转为提高MBA 学生在美找工作能力的课程,课程不算学分,但要求学生必须参加。课程包括简历修改,如何通过网络找实习和工作的机会,面试培训等一系列内容。对学生在美国找实习和工作提供了很大的帮助。

-Many professionals present and share their experiences and knowledge during class time

学校、商学院及MBA 项目会时常邀请商界精英到学校或教室与大家分享工作经历,为大家提供了与商界精英一起探讨、学习的机会

-Mentor program


-Career Fair

-Company Visiting (in San Diego, out of San Diego or out of state)


-Case Competition (V2, Global Social Innovation Challenge and ACG)

7. Living around USD

上图红五星标识为USD所在位置, 学校内有自己的警队,非常安全. Pacific Ridge 是离学校最近的小区,就在学校正对面。Mariana Vista 小区离学校也很近,就在学校山脚下,步行10分钟即可达到学校;该小区门口就是轻轨站,可到达圣地亚哥市中心等地,非常便利。除此之外,学校周围还有许多民宿对外出租,根据房屋条件,价格不等。据了解,大部分同学选择居住在Mission Valley(地图中红圈区域), Convoy St, Pacific Beach等区域,这些区域均属于距离学校15分钟车程的范围之内。

-Shopping and Chinese Restaurant
圣地亚哥的大型购物中心分别在Mission Valley, Fashion Valley. 基本上大小牌子都应有尽有,可以满足各类消费需求。在距离学校30分钟车程的美墨边境,有个奥特莱斯,可方便大家购买打折商品。大部分的中国餐厅聚集在距离学校15分钟车程的Convoy St, 北方菜,粤菜,四川菜,火锅等一应俱全。

乘坐44路公交和轻轨均可到达学校,但生活在车轮上的国家,如果可以自己买车,生活的便利度会大大提升。如果不会驾车也没关系, 因为圣地亚哥本身并不大,学习、购物、生活的半径比较小,所以uber打车也是个不错的选择。地图中的红色长方形区域为圣地亚哥机场,距离学校15分钟车程,十分便利。

如果同学们有任何关于学校,专业,生活的问题,请在本帖留言或可以通过以下方式与USD MBA招生办取得联系:


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发表于 2018-4-7 11:22:50 | 只看该作者
好想去啊 被拒了
发表于 2018-5-12 07:03:13 | 只看该作者
如果想毕业后在美国好找工作的话,最好去大学校而且排名靠前的,选STEM得课程。环境,地理位置比较好, 本科排名是前100 的小型贵族私立学校,小班教学. 研究生学院排名比较靠前,校友资源比较少,所以排名比较吃亏
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