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[SC总结] 比较

发表于 2017-9-30 09:26:08 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

#1 对于主谓宾全或者主谓+介宾短语的句子的主语比较,谓语动词必须补出,其主要目地是为了和宾语比较区分开来,防止歧义。
Rice has protein of higherquality than wheat does. (主语比较,Rice wheat)意义:米有高质蛋白质,麦没有。
Rice has>Wheat has
ü   In 1982 the median income formarried-couple families with a wage-earning wife was $9,000 more than that for families in whichonly the husband was employed.
Themedian income>the median income     more than
ü   A wildlife expertpredicts that the reintroduction of the caribou into northernMinnesota will fail if the density of the timber wolf population in thatregion is greater than one wolf forevery 39 square miles.
The density of timber wolf>one wolf for every 39squares miles   
greater than✔ more numerous than 错  因为 numerous 是许多的意思
ü   Holland spends alarger percentage of its gross national product on defending its coasts fromrising seas than the United States does on military defense.
Holland spends>the united states spends   a larger percentage
ü   Inuits of theBering Sea were isolated from contact with Europeans longer than were Aleuts orInuits of the North Pacific and northern Alaska.
Insuits were isolated> ai were isolated   longer than
ü   Of all the vast tides of migration that have swept through history,perhaps none was more concentrated than the wave that brought 12 millionimmigrants onto American shores in little more than three decades.
None<the wave    more concentrated than
#2 对于主系表或者主谓+其他非名词性结构修饰成分的句子的主语比较,由于谓语动词之后不存在名词性结构造成歧义,谓语动词省略
ü   The question ofwhether to divest themselves of stock in companies that do business in SouthAfrica is particularly troublesome for the nation’s 116 private Black collegesbecause their economic bases are often morefragile than those of most predominantly White colleges.
BC economic bases are> WC economic bases are   more fragile
ü  In 1982 the median income formarried-couple families with a wage-earning wife was $9,000 more than thatfor families in which only the husband.
the median income for > that (income) for 因为有was 不可以用those
ü   For the last fiveyears the Dutch economy has grown faster than the economies of Britain, France,and Germany, and the unemployment rate has remained.
The dutch economy has grown> the economies have grown
Rice hasprotein of higher quality than of lower quality(介宾比较,ofhigher of lower)意义:米有高质蛋白质而非低质蛋白质
ü  Those who come to church with apredisposition to religious belief will be happy in an auditorium or even astorefront, and there is no doubt that religion is sometimes better served by such adapted spaces than by some of the buildings actuallydesigned for it.
ü  The finding of much larger populations ofpesticide-degrading microbes in soils witha relatively long history of pesticide use thanin those that are free of such chemicals suggests one reason certainpesticides can become ineffective if used repeatedly in the same place.
ü  Balding is much more common among White males than among males of other races.
要我说,介宾的比较更好体现了曼上面的话,comparisons are a subset of parallelism.
C.宾语比较 ==》这种比较之存在于主谓宾全的句子中。需要和主谓宾全的句子的主语比较 以及 介宾结构的比较区分。
Rice hasprotein of higher quality than that in wheat(宾语比较,proteinprotein(that指代)
Rice has proteinof higher quality than sugar.(宾语比较,protein sugar比)
Domestic automobile manufacturers haveinvested millions of dollars in research to develop cars even moregasoline-efficient than those at present on the road.
Rice hasprotein of higher quality than usual/everbfore/1000 years ago/people expected(状语比较)
ü  The financial crash of October 1987demonstrated that the world'scapital markets are more closelyintegrated than ever before and that events in one part of the global villagemay be transmitted to the rest of the village--almost instantaneously.
ü  The gyrfalcon, an Arctic bird ofprey, has survived a close brush with extinction; its numbers are now five times greater than when the use of DDT was sharply restricted in theearly 1970's.
Number 用greater 好过用 more . the number were more
ü  Two new studies indicate that manypeople become obese more because theirbodies bum calories too slowly thanbecause they eat too much
ü  Soaring television costs accounted for more than half thespending in the presidential campaign of1992, a greater proportion than in anyprevious election.
ü  Less successful after she emigrated to New York than she had been in photographer LotteJacobi nevertheless earned a small group of discerning admirers, and herphotographs were eventually exhibited in prestigious galleries across theUnited States.
这几个词,前后要平行,like, unlike, as, as……as,different from, In contrast to/with
先说unlike, 我曾经连着错过七个unlike的比较,此生绝对不会再错了。后来,看见unlike就兴奋,特别好排除。
ü  The shuttle andearlier spacecraft, which were capable of carrying sufficient power in fuelcells and batteries for their short flights,a permanently orbiting space station will have to generate its ownelectricity.
ü  Unlike the manywinter greens that have tough leaves and thus require a lengthy cookingtime, escarole needs little or nocooking.
ü  Shoppers in sporting goods stores, unlike those in department stores, do very little impulse shopping;someone who comes in for a basketball will leave with a basketball only and notbuy a pair of skis and a boomerang as well.
ü   Thaivillage crafts, like those of othercultures, have developed through the principle that form follows function andincorporate readily available materials fashioned using traditional skills.
ü   Like the planets, the stars are in motion, some of themat tremendous speeds, but they are so far away from Earth that their apparentpositions in the sky do not change enough for their movement to be observedduring a single human lifetime.【不能用as, 就变成了the stars 是 planets】
ComparedWith{Ron 是不把它算平行的}
ü   Today, more than43 percent of Californians under the age of eighteen are Hispanic, comparedwith about 35 percent a decade ago.
In California today, Hispanics under the age of eighteenaccounts for more than 43%错【accounts for 43 什么,43% of Californians对,43% of thepopulation of Californians 对】, compared with a decade ago, when it wasabout 35%.
ü  A recent review of pay scales indicates that, on average,CEO’s now earn 419 times the pay of blue-collar workers, as compared to 42times their pay, the ratio in 1980.{同位语,解释42times}
ü  Laos has a land areacomparable to that of Great Britain but a population of only four millionpeople, many of whom are members of hill tribes ensconced in the virtuallyinaccessible mountain valleys of the north. 【area和area比较】
ü  To meet the rapidly rising market demand for fish andseafood, suppliers are growing fishtwice as fast as they grow naturally,cutting their feed allotment.
这个是两个速度之间的比较,不能用natural growthrate 先不说不能比,你让rate 跑一个,the rate is fast
ü  There are hopeful signs that we areshifting away from our heavy reliance on fossil fuels: more than ten times as much energy is generated throughwind power now as was the case in1990.
There are hopeful signs that we are shifting away from our heavy relianceon fossil fuels: more than ten times asmuch energy(主语,主找主) is generated through wind power now as it (只能代指这个more than ten times as much energywas in 1990.
ü   Trafficsafety official predict that drivers will be as likely to exceed the proposedspeed limit as they are [are likely to exceed] the current one.
ü  Today, because of improvements in agriculturaltechnology, the same amount of acreage produces twice as many apples as it did in 1990.
ü  A recent United States Census Bureau report shows thatthere are more than three times as many households where the children andgrandchildren are living in their grandparents' home as there are householdswhere the grandparents are living in their children's or grandchildren's home.
In contrast to/with
ü   In contrast to ongoing trade imbalances with China and Japan, the United States trade deficit with Mexico declined by $500million as a result of record exports to that country. 

Trade imbalance 和 trade deficit 是一样的
第三部分:剩下几个词fewer lower less ,more.
根据Ron 的例子,我们可以看出lower是修饰名词的,less 修饰动词
Employment costs rose 2.8 percent in the 12 months that ended inSeptember, slightly less than they didin the year that ended in the previous quarter.
Employment costs rose 2.8% in the 12 months thatended in September, slightly less than in the year that ended in the previousquarter. (比较主语)
或者是Employment costs rose 2.8 % in the 12 months that endedin September, slightly less than that in the year that ended in theprevious quarter. (比较宾语)
ü   Because naturalgas is composed mostly of methane, a simple hydrocarbon, vehicles powered bynatural gas emit less of certainpollutants than those burning gasoline or diesel fuel
这里想比较的是 Vehicle emit 的多少, emit 是动词。
ü   When drive-inswere at the height of their popularity in the late 1950’s, some 4,000 existedin the United States, but today there are fewerthan one-quarter as many. (thereare fewer than one-quarter of that amount 虽然说 这道题错得多的,还是在amount 不可数,除非你指的是drugs或者materials)
ü   Only seven peoplethis century have been killed by the great white shark, the man-eater of themovies[解释white shark]—fewerthan have been killed by bee stings. 因为是people当然可以一个个数,用fewer
Only seven people this century have been killed by thegreat white shark, the man-eater of the movies, a number lower than the people killed by bee stings.
Lower修饰名词,less修饰动词。为毛这个不对,原因是a number of 是同位语吧,你解释的是被大白鲨吃掉的鱼,这个隔着也太远了吧。
ü  Diesel engines burn as much as 30 percent less fuel thangasoline engines of comparable size, as well as emitting far less carbon dioxide gas and far fewer of the other gases thathave been implicated in global warming.
far fewer carbon dioxide and other gases 是不对的,这种错误好比什么呢,with no natural predators and expanses of green suburbanneighborhoods that allow no hunting. 说清楚点
ü  In 1979 lack ofrain reduced India’s rice production to about 41 million tons, nearly 25percent less than the 1978 harvest.
这里说明 1978 harvest 和 rice production 是差不多的意思,反正可比,因为是production,所以是不可数的
ü  Even though the direct costs of malpracticedisputes amounted to less than one percent of the $541 billion the nation spent on health care lastyear, doctors say fear of lawsuits plays major role in health-care inflation.
Amounted to 是动词短语,动词用less。名词用lower
我的心得就是,这个比较是另类的平行。还有就是前面有as就要到后面找as 。有more 就要找 than
A new hair-growing drug is being sold for three times the price, per milligram, that thedrug’s maker charges for another product with the same active ingredient.
看见three times 不能用than。用than的话找比较极,都没有就不能用
盲点第一个在于less 动,lower 名。 如果没有歧义,可以省略谓语动词。

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