麻烦大家帮忙看看这道OG,我有点想不通B选项,官方解释说,C points因为首次发现于墨西哥而被命名和它的性质没有转折关系我是能理解的,可是and 后面连接的它在全美洲均可发现和命名的两件事应该有转折关系吧?于是我的问题来了: 是不是所有的转折关系都要依照原句来判断呢? 因为我感觉 1.虽然它在全美洲均可发现,但是它是以新墨西哥,它第一次被发现的地方命名的。 2.虽然它是以新墨西哥,它第一次被发现的地方命名的,但是它在全美洲均可发现。 我可能逻辑不好,但是我觉得上面两句似乎……都说得通呀。 另一个问题是,where,when等等这些关系代词在出现的时候是否有省略的可能呢?还是一定要出现主谓宾? 96. Even though Clovis points, spear points with longitudinal grooves chipped onto their faces, have been found all over North America, they are named for the New Mexico site where they were first discovered in 1932. (A) Even though Clovis points, spear points with longitudinal grooves chipped onto their faces, have been found all over North America, they are named for the New Mexico site where they were first discovered in 1932. (B) Although named for the New Mexico site where first discovered in 1932, Clovis points are spear points of longitudinal grooves chipped onto their faces and have been found all over North America. (C) Named for the New Mexico site where they have been first discovered in 1932, Clovis points, pear points of longitudinal grooves chipped onto the faces, have been found all over North America. (D) Spear points with longitudinal grooves that are chipped onto the faces, Clovis points, even though named for the New Mexico site where first discovered in 1932, but were found all over North America. (E) While Clovis points are spear points whose faces have longitudinal grooves chipped into them, they have been found all over North America, and named for the New Mexico site where they have been first discovered in 1932. OA:A 然后下面这类比较省略的问题是我困惑了一天的…… 就是到底啥时候能省略主语呀?虽然浏览了好多相关的帖子,却没能找到一个很系统的说法让我心安 QAQ
Only seven people this century have been killed by the great white shark, the man-eater of the movies—less than those killed by bee stings. - Amovies—less than those
- Bmovies—fewer than have been
- Cmovies, which is less than those
- Dmovies, a number lower than the people
- Emovies, fewer than the ones