Prep08 204. (30885-!-item-!-188;#058&005773) (GWD-8-Q23)
A New York City ordinance of 1897 regulated the use of bicycles, mandated a maximum speed of eight miles an hour, required of cyclists to keep feet on pedals and hands on handlebars at all times, and it granted pedestrians right-of-way. A. regulated the use of bicycles, mandated a maximum speed of eight miles an hour, required of cyclists to keep feet on pedals and hands on handlebars at all times, and it granted B. regulated the use of bicycles, mandated a maximum speed of eight miles an hour, required cyclists to keep feet on pedals and hands on handlebars at all times, granting C. regulating the use of bicycles mandated a maximum speed of eight miles an hour, required cyclists that they keep feet on pedals and hands on handlebars at all times, and it granted D. regulating the use of bicycles, mandating a maximum speed of eight miles an hour, requiring of cyclists that they keep feet on pedals and hands on handlebars at all times, and granted E. regulating the use of bicycles mandated a maximum speed of eight miles an hour, required cyclists to keep feet on pedals and hands on handlebars at all times, and granted
[size=13.3333330154419px]OG 16 134. Last week local shrimpers held a news conference to take some credit for the resurgence of the rare Kemp's ridley turtle, saying that their compliance with laws requiring that turtle-excluder devices be on shrimp nets protect adult sea turtles. (A) requiring that turtle-excluder devices be on shrimp nets protect (B) requiring turtle-excluder devices on shrimp nets is protecting (C) that require turtle-excluder devices on shrimp nets protect (D) to require turtle-excluder devices on shrimp nets are protecting (E) to require turtle-excluder devices on shrimp nets is protecting
楼主的问题来了,一般法律法规要用ing形式说明具体内容,因此OG 134的题目:法律要求排除这个设备; 回到prep的题目:这个ordinance应该是监管的自行车的使用,具体通过措施A,措施B,因此达到了什么目的。 所以根据楼主的理解应该是: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX regulates...mandating(具体措施,类似于OG题目要求移除设备)...requiring(还是具体措施),granting(ordinance没有直接保障right,而是措施A 措施B保障,因此granting现在分词表示结果)