1. -ing有逗号时,即SVO,ing形式下只能作伴随或结果,但是需要满足两个情况
A. 修饰整个句子preceding clause且能修饰到主语,要求逻辑正确
B。ing的句子和preceding clause关系是同时发生或者作为直接结果
(注意是preceding clause而不是主句,这个位置就衍生了很多不同版本解释对“,ing”在句末的解释,不同版本对不同的题目的解释完全不一样)
Some anthropologists believe that the genetic homogeneity evident in the world’s people is the result of a "population bottleneck" -at some time in the past our ancestors suffered an event, greatly reducing their numbers and thus our genetic variation. - Aat some time in the past our ancestors suffered an event, greatly reducing their numbers
- Bthat at some time in the past our ancestors suffered an event that greatly reduced their numbers
- Cthat some time in the past our ancestors suffered an event so that their numbers were greatly reduced,
- Dsome time in the past our ancestors suffered an event from which their numbers were greatly reduced
Esome time in the past, that our ancestors suffered an event so as to reduce their numbers greatly
本题目答案是B,但是有些不靠谱的解释对于A选项的解释是reducing就近修饰event!这个说法就是让我懵逼的原因,实际上!根本不是,A的错误在于that的问题,这个可以参考题目对于B的解释,这里reducing的确指代就是our ancestors suffered an event,没有错误的。
According to scientists who monitored its path, an expanding cloud of energized particles ejected from the Sun recently triggered a large storm in the magnetic field that surrounds Earth, which brightened the Northern Lights and also possibly knocking out a communications satellite. - Aan expanding cloud of energized particles ejected from the Sun recently triggered a large storm in the magnetic field that surrounds Earth, which brightened the Northern Lights and also possibly knocking
- Ban expanding cloud of energized particles ejected from the Sun was what recently triggered a large storm in the magnetic field that surrounds Earth, and it brightened the Northern Lights and also possibly knocked
- Can expanding cloud of energized particles ejected from the Sun recently triggered a large storm in the magnetic field that surrounds Earth, brightening the Northern Lights and possibly knocking
- Da large storm in the magnetic field that surrounds Earth, recently triggered by an expanding cloud of energized particles, brightened the Northern Lights and it possibly knocked
- Ea large storm in the magnetic field surrounding Earth was recently triggered by an expanding cloud of energized particles, brightening the Northern Lights and it possibly knocked
这里答案是C,为什么这里又不会出现说所谓的就近修饰the magnetic field that surrounds Earth呢,是因为我们提取句子核心,发现the magnetic field that surrounds Earth只不过是修饰large storm的一个无关紧要的词,并不是核心,所以这里它并不能真正作为preceding clause的作用,所以brightening修饰的是cloud triggered storm这个句子
It is called a sea, but the landlocked Caspian is actually the largest lake on Earth, which covers more than four times the surface area of its closest rival in size, North America’s Lake Superior.
A It is called a sea, but the landlocked Caspian is actually the largest lake on Earth, which covers 分析A选项
B Although it is called a sea, actually the landlocked Caspian is the largest lake on Earth, which covers 分析B选项
C Though called a sea, the landlocked Caspian is actually the largest lake on Earth, covering 分析C选项
D Though called a sea but it actually is the largest lake on Earth, the landlocked Caspian covers 分析D选项
E Despite being called a sea, the largest lake on Earth is actually the landlocked Caspian, covering
答案是C,为什么?covering明显前面的preceding clause就是the landlocked Caspian is actually the largest lake on Earth,但是又有一种说法说这个结构是主系表啊,不是不能表伴随么?问题是!主系表这种结构本来就是中国人发明的!国外根本没有这种说法,(正如baby姐说的),这里covering就是修饰the landlocked Caspian is actually the largest lake on Earth这个句子的,并没有任何问题,更加不能出现作定语修饰earth的歧义
In the past several years, astronomers have detected more than 80 massive planets, most of them as large or larger than Jupiter, which circle other stars.
A most of them as large or larger than Jupiter, which circle
B most of them as large or larger than Jupiter and circling
C most of them at least as large as Jupiter, circling
D mostly at least as large as Jupiter, which circle
E mostly as large or larger than Jupiter, circling
答案为C,这里circling为什么不被认作修饰most of them at least as large as Jupiter,这跟之前的是相似的,找核心,句子核心,most of them at least as large as Jupiter只是作为一个插入语,就像最开头说的the magnetic field that surrounds Earth,所以circling直接修饰的是那80 massive planets而不是Jupiter所在的句子。至于其他选项怎么排除,as as与more 的固定搭配直接排除ABE,D则which直接就近指代Jupiter排除~
Over the next few years, increasing demands on the Chattahoochee River, which flows into the Apalachicola River, could alter the saline content of Apalachicola Bay, which would rob the oysters there of their flavor, and to make them decrease in size, less distinctive, and less in demand.
Awhich would rob the oysters there of their flavor, and to make them decrease in size 分析A选项
Band it would rob the oysters there of their flavor, make them smaller 分析B选项
Cand rob the oysters there of their flavor, making them decrease in size 分析C选项
Drobbing the oysters there of their flavor and making them smaller 分析D选项
Erobbing the oysters there of their flavor, and making them decrease in size
所谓的是否就近修饰并不是说,ing这种形式会就近修饰名词,而是说它就近修饰那个preceding clause,这样是否合乎逻辑~如果ing需要表定语修饰,是下面形式!而不是,ing作句末的结构哦~
2. -ing的其他形式:Ving,SVO或者 SVO ing形式都是定语修饰作用,需要看是否会和主语相对应
比如,Neuroscientists, having amassed a wealth ofknowledge over the past twenty years about the brain and its development frombirth to adulthood, are now drawing solid conclusions about how thehuman brain grows and how babies acquire language.
(A) Neuroscientists, having amassed a wealth ofknowledge over the past twenty years about the brain and its development frombirth to adulthood, are
(B) Neuroscientists, having amassed a wealth ofknowledge about the brain and its development from birth to adulthood over thepast twenty years, and are
(C) Neuroscientists amassing a wealth ofknowledge about the brain and its development from birth to adulthood over thepast twenty years, and are
(D) Neuroscientists have amassed a wealth of knowledgeover the past twenty years about the brain and its development from birth toadulthood,
(E) Neuroscientists have amassed, over the pasttwenty years, a wealth of knowledge about the brain and its development frombirth to adulthood正确答案是A,这里的having只能向前修饰名词,做定语~(这里也更正了可能以为的having done肯定错的观点了是吧!)
又或者Based on accounts of various ancient writers, scholars have painteda sketchy picture of the activities of an all-female cultthat, perhaps as early as the sixth centuryB.C., worshipped a goddess known in Latin as Bona Dea, “the good goddess.”
(A) Based on accounts of various ancientwriters,
(B) Basing it on various ancient writers’accounts,
(C) With accounts of various ancient writersused for a basis,
(D) By the accounts of various ancient writersthey used,
(E) Using accounts ofvarious ancient writers答案是E~这个时候直接看ing是否与subject是合乎逻辑的,是scholar使用~所以正确!