Withoutadequateamountsof sleep, people’snewlyacquired skillsand alsonew factual information may not get properly encoded into their memory circuits. A. Without adequate amounts of sleep, people's newly acquired skills and also
B. Without the adequate amount of sleep they need, people's newly acquired skills and even
C. If they do not have adequate amounts of sleep, people's newly acquired skills and even
D. If people do not get adequate amounts of sleep, newly acquired skills and even
E. If people do not get the adequate amount of sleep they need, newly acquired and also
Logical predication; Rhetorical construction
The sentence is about what happens to people's memories when peopledon't get enough sleep. The sentence needs to clarify that it is peoplewho need sleep, not their skills or the information they absorb. A. The opening modifier Withoutadequateamountsofsleepillogically describes people's skills, rather than people. In addition, this use of andalsois awkwardly redundant. B. The terms adequateandtheyneedare redundant; the opening modifier still describes skills, as in sentence A. The pronoun theynonsensically refers to skillsrather than the possessive people's. C. The pronoun theynonsensically refers to skillsrather than the possessive people's.
D. Correct. By inserting the noun peopleas the subject of the main verb do...get, the sentence clarifies that people rather than skills are without sleep; skillsthen becomes the subject of the second verb may...get. E. The terms adequateandtheyneedare redundant, as is the phrase andalso.
The correct answer is D.
我在D和E里纠结了以下,还是认为E更好,理由如下:p eo pl e’s new ly ac quire d skill s and also new factual information may......原句中两个词组用and also连接,表示并列关系,我认为很合理,所以选项不应该随意改动句意,D选项...and even将原来的并列关系变成了递进关系,我认为不妥;而E选项,虽然有点啰嗦,但句意与原句一致。