Hey Guys, today I want to share the essay analysis of Columbia (Essay 2). Later I will also post the essay analysis for other essay topics of Columbia and also for other schools As always, if you have a question about your application, feel free to leave a comment here or send me a private message here or on Wechat. I'm happy to help!
CBS MBA Essay 2
Columbia Business School’s students participate in industry focused New York immersion seminars; in project based Master Classes; and in school year internships. Most importantly, our students are taught by a combination of distinguished research faculty and accomplished practitioners. How will you take advantage of being “at the very center of business”? (100-500 words)
They changed up the phrasing a little bit, but the question is still the same as last year. The only real difference is the word count, which went from a maximum of 25o to this year’s 100-500 word range. So let’s dive in…
Actionable, practical, real-life, believable, tangible arguments, folks. Not… “stuff everyone knows about New York already but doesn’t demonstrate a connection to you personally.” Don’t tell us that New York is the financial capital of the world. Show us—instead—how that might affect your experience. Walk us through a hypothetical. Or a way in which NYC has affected you already and how, therefore, it may affect you again once you’re at CBS. Don’t just tell us what the opportunities are—don’t LIST stuff. We know the list. Columbia knows the list. No one cares about the attributes.
In 100-500 words, there isn’t much room to faff. Walk us through a few very tangible examples of what may happen, and why this is valuable. Challenge yourself and imagine that each of the world’s most amazing cities had comparable business schools. And let’s say you were accepted to each of them. Why New York over the rest?
Here’s another way to skin it. Congratulations, you’ve been accepted to Stanford, Wharton, and Harvard. But you’re gonna turn all three down because they all lack one thing: New York City. Convince us that you’re the kind of guy who might actually turn down H/S/W for this reason—it has to be specific as hell in order to pass the smell test.
Think back to chemistry. Think back to acids and bases. Think litmus paper. Ringing a bell? We know, it was a long time ago for us, too. Well, roughly speaking here’s how it works—if you have a MYSTERY substance, say a liquid, and we’re trying to determine whether it’s basic or acidic, we dip a piece of litmus paper into the liquid to … see how it reacts. If it turns BLUE it means the solution is basic; if it turns RED it means the solution is acidic. Same paper, different colors based on the X-factor of the mystery solutions. To CBS, you guys are the mysterious clear solution. They have no idea what happens when you “mix with” New York City. This is a model you can consider. Something HAPPENS when you (clear liquid solution) MIXES WITH New York City (the Litmus paper). What can we learn about you based on this chemical equation New York City + You = XXXX?
The absolute worst thing you can do is tell us about New York. Similarly, we don’t wanna know about YOU either (in isolation). We wanna know about the COLLISION of you and NYC. Our safety goggles are on. Let the mixing commence. |