to sangle: What do you want to know? You can only get a piece of paper in the test, but you can use both sides of it, size is around A4 and you get 2 pencils there,hehe, let me think of elementary school others?en, I think hand writing is slower than computer,but because of my typing speed, I can not make a better choice. I do not know if ETS will let sb type our compersitions into computer, :8 hehe, hope the above helpful!
hehe, then you had better choose handwriting, good luck! for timing, when the time is over, the supervior will come in and let you stop, I think time is punctual, same as cbt 2.yeah, you get the topic from computer, but before you start, you should make a choice by your mouse, the supervisors will tell you the details when you enroll the test is what I said enough?