看到有许多孩子不停的纠结在sentence 的mechanics上,这会让你的SC复习及其痛苦和繁琐,也会让你的做题速度很难提高。maybe你可以通过句子的结构和一系列语法rule的分析做对题,但是!!!你的最终目的是在exam中用limited的时间做对,你一直执着于用分析句子mechanics的方法做的话,有2个结果:1.做对但太慢 2.用所谓的rule 或“看见什么必错”的原则很容易让你掉入GMAC的设题陷阱。像Ron说的:GMAT里需要了解的语法很少,它的语法点的难度可以清楚的解释给6 year old child and non native English speaker。句子的有效(无歧义,表达清楚)和简洁才是GMAT的宗旨。
Ron 大神解疑中我映像里最多的一句话就是“just think about the meaning.”!!!!!
请不要用传统的中国英语结构模式来做SC,just as RON said:
thinking about mechanics during yourinitial reading. this is a mistake. in your initial reading of the sentence,you should NOT think about grammar/mechanics AT ALL. not one single iota. the point of the initial reading is todetermine the message of the sentence. this is just like ‘normal’ reading—say,reading a book or magazine. if you’re reading a book or magazine, i would bet avery large amount of money that you’re not thinking AT ALL about the grammar ofthe sentences**. rather, the point is simply to read them and understand whatthey’re saying. (**…unless you’re just ‘reading’ with thedeliberate purpose of exposing yourself to formal text. this can be a valuableexercise for any adult learner of a language, but it isn’t normal reading.) of course, books and magazines are notnormally riddled with errors. so, perhaps a better analogy is reading e-mailsfrom a coworker whose english is not very good. imagine doing that. will there be mistakes? …oh yeah. lots andlots and lots of them. will there by ANY trouble understandingwhat your co-worker is trying to say? …almost certainly not.