A16. “One must rely on oneself, and not on others, to progress in life both personally and professionally.” Discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the opinion stated above. Support your views with reasons and/or examples from your own experience, observations, or reading. 1一个人仅仅依赖与自己不管是生活方面还是职业方面都不会取得最大限度的成功。因为一个人不管多么勤奋多么自省始终都是有不足和缺陷的,这个时候就需要别人的帮助和建议来得到提高。特别是有相关经验的人可以给予很大的帮助使人少走弯路。 2但是过分依赖别人显然也是不可取的。凡事都靠别人会使人产生依赖心理,由此会缺少自己解决问题的动力,长此以往就可能无法成事。 3人和人之间是要INTERDEPENDENT的绝对的独立和绝对的依靠都不会带来好的结果。只有依靠自己的力量才能在实质上取得进步而适时的依靠别人的力量可以更快地取得成功收到事半功倍的效果。
one must rely on both oneself and others to be successful
1. one must rely on oneself, only rely on others won't work....
2. one must also rely on others due t (a) teamwork important, complex tasks can't be achieved by a signle person, blabla.. (b) no body is perfect, others can help you improve, blabla
3. these two are not either-or choices. actually one must emphasize both to be successful.