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发表于 2003-8-6 20:54:00
6、关于海水盐度的变化.----多伦多 文中说海洋盐度变化和近海和远海有关(有题),而且可能和海岸的地理壮况相关.进而举例红海的周围情况和环境有关,接着例举另一什么海,情况就和红海不同(有题),最后有一题问及深海底的盐度状况,是个推段结论. The relative proportion of the different sea salts¡Xthe amount of one salt present relative to the amount of another¡Xremains virtually constant throughout the world¡¦s oceans. However, the salinity, or the total amount of salts present in seawater, varies with location in the oceans. Salinity changes result mainly from the addition of fresh water by rivers and precipitation and melting of sea ice or from the removal of fresh water by evaporation and freezing of sea ice. High surface salinities are also found at the heads of enclosed desert seas, such as the Mediterranean Sea (39 g/kg) and the Red Sea (42 g/kg). Salinity is extremely high in landlocked desert seas, such as the Great Salt Lake in Utah (about 150 g/kg) and the Dead Sea on the Israel-Jordan border (nearly 300 g/kg). The highest salinities found anywhere (320 g/kg) occur in hot (58¢X C /136¢X F) brine pools on top of hydrothermal vents in the Red Sea.
Extremely low ocean salinities are found near major river mouths. Some enclosed seas have low salinities over a broad area. The Baltic Sea is fed by several rivers and has an average salinity of only 10 to 15 g/kg. The Baltic is a large-scale example of an estuary, a bay where fresh water enters saltwater.
Oceanographers use temperature and salinity properties to assign ocean waters to categories and to trace their sources and movements. The warm and salty central and equatorial water masses, with salinities above 35 g/kg, are found at the surface at low latitudes. Intermediate waters are cool and dilute, with salinities usually below 34.5 g/kg; they extend from the surface at subpolar latitudes to depths of one to three kilometers in the tropics. Deep and bottom waters are cold and salty; they fill the deep basins below depths of about three kilometers. The salinity of deep and bottom waters is uniform at about 34.6 to 34.9 g/kg throughout the world.
7、一种细菌还是微生物的东西(fun-?)和植物(orchid)的共生关系----多伦多 说这个不是东西的东西(玩笑呵呵)会进入和伤害植物,但它还有什么好的作用,植物似乎可以分解它(有题)来提供养分. example is the relationship between most mycorrhizae and certain plants. Mycorrhizae are fungal growths on the roots of such plants as heaths, orchids, and many conifers. The fungi penetrate the roots of the plants and make soil nutriments such as nitrogen available to the plants, receiving carbohydrates in return. 8、MRI(核磁共振): q1:讲什么:一种用于研究的新技术。 q2:缺点:太贵 q3:能看到什么:大脑血液流动 q4:下一步做什么:用来研究记忆 Beginning in the early 1970s, advances in technology enabled scientists to see inside the human brain without cutting into it. Today psychologists use a number of brain imaging methods to study brain activity during various cognitive processes, such as perceiving, reading, and imagining, and to investigate the biological bases of mental illnesses, such as schizophrenia. These methods include computed tomography (CT), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), functional magnetic resonance imaging (functional MRI), and positron emission tomography. Some methods, such as functional MRI, produce three-dimensional images of the human brain with different colors indicating the different levels of activity in each part. Brain imaging research has spawned an important new field of biopsychology, cognitive neuroscience. One particularly important line of cognitive neuroscience experiments assessed patterns of people¡¦s brain activity as theyperceived various types of visual stimuli. The experimenters found that different areas of the cerebral cortex specialize in analyzing different aspects of a visual image, for example, position, speed, angle of motion, shape, and color. These findings confirmed earlier studies on monkeys that had used recording rather than imaging methods.
7月17日 段子 1、一篇照相技术的-----Canada 就是前人说得光圈和快门的使用技巧。说得挺详细。 参考7月15日段子2 2、是讲火星上的火山的------Canada 主要说,那里的火山极其高,因为不像地球有地心引力,因此喷发出的岩浆就往下走,而那里的火山就越堆越高。有个问题是问为啥提到夏威夷火山的,还有一个是问那里的火山特点,双选。 附12月JJ volcano eruption 版本一:volcano eruption cause smoke plume,有两个方面的因素,第一是喷出的面积和Rock什么的(有点忘了,后来者自己听)第二个因素是喷出的高度,给出两个例子。这篇比较简单,做过就忘了,呵呵。 q1.两个因素是什么,双选,就是提到的两个。 q2.ash 落地后怎么样? q3.举例子为了说明什么?高度。 版本二:火山影响气候在两方面:一是火山喷出物的组成,一是喷的高度 后面还举例圣海轮火山和另一火山。有一题问举例作用。 3、 花色玻璃的制作过程------Canada 先是画出大致样子,轮廓,颜色,然后在将玻璃按形状弄小,组合成图形,其中加了一个什么东西(有题,双选,问为啥加这个),送去烤制,然后有些细小部位,就手工画上去,再烤制。 附以前近似JJ 古罗马玻璃器皿制造的发展 {版本一}:(11月)古罗马帝国玻璃器皿的制作过程。手工打磨和吹制的不同过程。 说前期手工打磨制作费事费力,玻璃很珍贵,还说了不少这种玻璃的特点,什么装酒后有什么效果什么的(我听得非常仔细认真生怕错过什么细节),还是宫廷供品,要从中国经什么斯坦进口过来,后来技术发展了,吹制技术发展了,说是用什么吹管来进行什么制作的(这里有题,问这时玻璃器皿的Size只受什么东西的影响或限制,我选了只受吹管长度影响那项),这里也将了一些比较详细的制作过程(我好象有点走神了),价格就便宜了,玻璃也成为了普通大众都能消费得起的日用品。。。有一个Ruler(可能是国王什么的)就觉得玻璃器皿太Common了,以至于不能显示他的地位身份还是尊严什么的而不喜欢用玻璃器皿了。问题有Main idea题,有讲玻璃的不同时期的制作方法还是制作过程什么的一道我选了它,还有一个问题是搭配题,上面三个词组分别是(可能用词不一定准确可意思是对的):(一)、玻璃制品很高贵当珍宝还是什么来的,(二)、什么玻璃制品只有医生在实验室中才用的还是专为Medicine制作什么的,(三)、Ruler都觉得太Common而不愿用的玻璃制品。下面两个配对栏标题分别是手工打磨时的玻璃制品,另一个是吹制工艺以后的玻璃制品。就是叫你把上面三个词组中的两个分别放入这两个栏中。我选了珍宝对手工打磨,统治者都不用的那种玻璃。剩下的一个医学什么的我压根就没有听到这个词,既然ETS放它出来也可能在什么地方(后面)出现过,不过我按照文章的主脉络就放弃了它。大家认真听,看是不是我错了。 Glassblowing, a less expensive and time-consuming method of manufacture, spread from Syria to Italy and other parts of the Roman Empire, gradually superseding the old techniques. A new taste in glass styles developed: The earlier manufacturing processes emphasized color and pattern; blowing enhanced the thin, translucent qualities of the material. Also, by the end of the 1st century ad, colorless glass supplanted colored glass as the most fashionable sort. Glassblowing made large-scale production possible and changed the status of glassware to an everyday material, used for windows, drinking vessels, and containers of all kinds.
The structure of the empire doubtless fostered the extraordinary developments in glassmaking that occurred in this period. Most of the known decorative techniques were invented by artisans of the Roman era. Blown glasswares were patterned in part and full-size molds. Such molds enabled novelty items such as head-shaped flasks to be produced in quantity. A delicately patterned ewer (1st century ad) in the Corning Museum of Glass, Corning, New York, is one of a remarkable group of mold-blown objects that bear the names of their makers. Some Roman glass has elaborately threaded and tooled decoration. Glasswares could be painted with religious and historical scenes, or could feature designs in gold leaf pressed between two layers of clear glass. Ancient glassmakers adapted lapidary skills to make lathe-cut, carved, and engraved glass of considerable beauty. In cameo glass, layers of different colored glass were fused together and then carved so as to leave contrasting motifs in relief. Best known of Roman cameo glass is the Portland Vase (1st century ad, British Museum, London), which depicts the myth of Peleus and Thetis. Delicate effects were achieved in the diatreta, or caged cups, in which great portions of the outer surface were cut away, leaving an intricate openwork frame that appears to stand almost free of the vessel within. The famous Lycurgus Cup (4th century ad, British Museum) epitomizes this practice.
{版本二}:(10月)开始说古代怎么怎么做,主要是吹玻璃方法了 glassblow。(大家知道玻璃器件以前是怎么做的吧,就是吹出来的,比如花瓶,这个东西和土制品不一样,不能那土了捏,就是将玻璃烧到熔融状态,拿着个管子对着它吹,想吹成什么样子,就朝那个方向吹),而后来技术发展了,可以用模具制造玻璃仪器了。怎样怎样? 问题: 那种土方法的局限器件的大小的原因是什么?答案有A干活的人的胳膊arm的限制,B原材料限制 C 加工温度的限制 吹玻璃和模具制造方法的比较,双选 7、世界上哪里最先培育水稻: 一个教授说在史前,由于印度和中国连接的地方(就是喜马拉雅山脉)气候比较合适,因此断定这里最先有水稻。接下来教授列举了好多例子,如温度、湿度还有发现了农耕的原始工具出土。谈到了史前的气候比现在普遍较冷,谈到了尽管世界各地都有原始农耕工具出土,但是这里所处的地层是最古老的。接下来教授还谈到了这里的人民不光食用野生稻,还学着自己种。谈到的论据是自己栽培的品种和野生不同,如颗粒大小不同。 Although rice originally flourished in the dry climate of Central Asia, it spread to the flood plains of tropical regions, resulting in evolution of varieties with the capacity to grow with roots submerged in water. The African and Asian varieties that are flooded during the growing season are more productive than the varieties that are not flooded, partly because the submerged roots easily extract needed nutrients from the water. Flooded rice, also known as lowland rice, is grown in paddies, which are fields that contain water enclosed by low walls of earth called bunds. Paddy rice fed by rainfall alone accounts for about 50 percent of all rice grown worldwide, while paddies flooded by a combination of rainfall and irrigation provide about 35 percent of rice produced. The major rice-producing countries, including China, India, and Vietnam, primarily cultivate paddy rice.