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发表于 2023-4-16 00:29:25 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
想带着大家每天坚持读语法,就用《ChaseDream GWD语法笔记,每天带着大家打卡,希望大家能坚持每天学习+语法打卡;
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1.(10-22,11-14)The single-family house constructed by the Yana, a Native American people who lived in what is now northern California, was conical in shape, its framework of poles overlaid with slabs of bark, either cedar or pine, and banked with dirt to a height of three to four feet.
A.banked with dirt to a height of
B.banked with dirt as high as that of
C.banked them with dirt to a height of
D.was banked with dirt as high as
E.was banked with dirt as high as that of

2.(10-23)For the first time in the modern era, non-Hispanic Whites are officially a minority in California, which amounts to a little less than half the population of the state, down from nearly there-quarters only a decade ago.
A.which amounts to a little less than half the population of the state, down from nearly three-quarters only a decade ago
B.which amounts to a little less than half the population of the state, down from a decade ago, when it was nearly three-quarters
C.and that amounts to a little less than half the population of the state, down from a decade ago, when they were nearly three-quarters
D.amounting to a little less than half the population of the state, down from nearly three-quarters a decade ago
E.amounting to a little less than half the population of the state, down from what it was a decade ago by nearly three-quarters

3.(10-24)For the last five years the Dutch economy has grown faster than Britain, France, or Germany, with the unemployment rate having remained well below that of the other three countries.
A.Britain, France, or Germany, with the unemployment rate having remained
B.have those of Britain, France, or Germany, and the unemployment rate remaining
C.have Britain, France, and Germany, and the unemployment rate has remained
D.the economy of Britain, France, and Germany, with the unemployment rate that has remained
E.the economies of Britain, France, and Germany, and the unemployment rate has remained

4.(10-32)Most of the purported health benefits of tea comes from antioxidants—compounds also found in beta carotene, vitamin E, and vitamin C that inhibit the formation of plaque along the body’s blood vessels.
A.comes from antioxidants—compounds also found in beta carotene, vitamin E, and vitamin C that
B.comes from antioxidants—compounds that are also found in beta carotene, vitamin E, and vitamin C, and they
C.come from antioxidants—compounds also found in beta carotene, vitamin E, and vitamin C, and
D.come from antioxidants—compounds that are also found in beta carotene, vitamin E, and vitamin C and that
E.come from antioxidants—compounds also found in beta carotene, vitamin E, and vitamin C, and they

5.(10-36,11-19)In Hungary, as in much of Eastern Europe, an overwhelming proportion of women work, many of which are in middle management and light industry. in much of Eastern Europe, an overwhelming proportion of women work, many of which are in with much of Eastern Europe, an overwhelming proportion of women works, many in in much of Eastern Europe, an overwhelming proportion of women work, many of them in much of Eastern Europe, an overwhelming proportion of women works, and many are much of Eastern Europe, an overwhelming proportion of women work, many are in

6.(10-38)Imported into Massachusetts form Europe in 1869, the gypsy moth was used by a French scientist in an attempt at developing a strong strain of silk-producing insects, crossing gypsy moths with adult silkworms.
A.Imported into Massachusetts from Europe in 1869, the gypsy moth was used by a French scientist in an attempt at developing a strong strain of silk-producing insects, crossing gypsy moths with adult silkworms.
B.Imported into Massachusetts form Europe in 1869, a French scientist was attempting to develop a strong strain of silk-producing insects by crossing gypsy moths with adult silkworms.
C.To cross gypsy moths with adult silkworms, in attempting the development of a strong strain of silk-producing insects, a French scientist in 1869 imported the gypsy moth into Massachusetts from Europe.
D.The gypsy moth was imported into Massachusetts from Europe in 1869 by a French scientist attempting to develop a strong strain of silk-producing insects by crossing gypsy moths with adult silkworms.
E.In an attempt at the development of a strong strain of silk-producing insects, a French scientist, importing the gypsy moth from Europe into Massachusetts in 1869 in order to cross gypsy moths and adult silkworms.

7.(10-37,11-26)On Earth, among the surest indications of sunspot cycles are believed to be the rate that trees grow, as seen in the rings visible in the cross sections of their trunks.
A.On Earth, among the surest indications of sunspot cycles are believed to be the rate that trees grow
B.On Earth, among the surest indications of sunspot cycles are, it is believed, the rate of tree growth
C.On Earth, the rate at which trees grow is believed to be among the surest indications of sunspot cycles
D.Among the surest indications on Earth of sunspot cycles, believed to be the tree growth rate
E.Among the surest indications on Earth of sunspot cycles is believed to be the rate at which trees grow

8.(10-39)In Japan, a government advisory committee called for the breakup of Nippon Telephone and Telegraph Company , the largest telephone company in the world, so it would be two local phone companies and one long-distance provider.
A.In Japan, a government advisory committee called for the breakup of Nippon Telephone and Telegraph Company, the largest telephone company in the world, so it would be
B.The breakup of the world’s largest telephone company, Nippon Telephone and Telegraph Company, was called for by a government advisory committee in Japan, so it would be
C.A government advisory committee in Japan called for the breakup of Nippon Telephone and Telegraph Company, the world’s largest telephone company, into
D.The breakup of Nippon Telephone and Telegraph Company, the world’s largest telephone company, was called for by a government advisory committee in Japan, so it would be
E.Called for by a government advisory committee, the breakup of Nippon Telephone and Telegraph Company in Japan, the world’s largest telephone company, was to be into

9.(10-41)In 1713, Alexander Pope began his translation of the Illiad, a work that, taking him seven years until completion, and that literary critic Samuel Johnson, Pope’s contemporary, pronounced the greatest translation in any language.
A.his translation of the Illiad, a work that, taking him seven years until completion, and that literary critic Samuel Johnson, Pope’s contemporary, pronounced
B.his translation of the Illiad, a work that took him seven years to complete and that literary critic Samuel Johnson, Pope’s contemporary, pronounced
C.his translation of the Illiad, a work that had taken seven years to complete and that literary critic Samuel Johnson, Pope’s contemporary, pronounced it is
D.translating the Illiad, a work that took seven years until completion and that literary critic Samuel Johnson, Pope’s contemporary, pronounced it as
E.translating the Illiad, a work that had taken seven years to complete and literary critic Samuel Johnson, Pope’s contemporary, pronounced it

10.(24-1)Tom Bradley was mayor of Los Angeles from 1973 to 1993, an era when the city had transformed from a collection of suburban neighborhoods to the second-largest city in the United States. era when the city had transformed era during which the city was transformed era that transformed it
D.during which era the city transformed
E.during which the city was transformed

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发表于 2023-4-16 20:27:14 | 只看该作者
发表于 2023-4-17 12:27:29 | 只看该作者
发表于 2023-4-17 19:17:52 | 只看该作者
发表于 2023-4-17 20:32:44 | 只看该作者
5.(10-36,11-19)In Hungary, as in much of Eastern Europe, an overwhelming proportion ofwomen work, many of which are in middlemanagement and light industry. in much ofEastern Europe, an overwhelming proportion of women work, many of which are in with much ofEastern Europe, an overwhelming proportion of women works, many in in much of Eastern Europe, an overwhelming proportion ofwomen work, many of them in
啊这里主语时women,不是proportion,前面的是修饰 much of Eastern Europe, an overwhelming proportion ofwomen works, and many are much ofEastern Europe, an overwhelming proportion of women work, many are in
发表于 2023-4-18 10:24:08 | 只看该作者
发表于 2023-4-18 11:37:57 | 只看该作者
1.(10-22,11-14)The single-family house constructed by the Yana, a Native American people who lived in what is now northern California, was conical in shape, its framework of poles overlaid with slabs of bark, either cedar or pine, and banked with dirt to a height of three to four feet.
A.banked with dirt to a height of
B.banked with dirt as high as that of
C.banked them with dirt to a height of
D.was banked with dirt as high as
E.was banked with dirt as high as that of

2.(10-23)For the first time in the modern era, non-Hispanic Whites are officially a minority in California, which amounts to a little less than half the population of the state, down from nearly there-quarters only a decade ago.
A.which amounts to a little less than half the population of the state, down from nearly three-quarters only a decade ago
B.which amounts to a little less than half the population of the state, down from a decade ago, when it was nearly three-quarters
C.and that amounts to a little less than half the population of the state, down from a decade ago, when they were nearly three-quarters
D.amounting to a little less than half the population of the state, down from nearly three-quarters a decade ago
E.amounting to a little less than half the population of the state, down from what it was a decade ago by nearly three-quarters

3.(10-24)For the last five years the Dutch economy has grown faster than Britain, France, or Germany, with the unemployment rate having remained well below that of the other three countries.
A.Britain, France, or Germany, with the unemployment rate having remained
B.have those of Britain, France, or Germany, and the unemployment rate remaining
C.have Britain, France, and Germany, and the unemployment rate has remained
D.the economy of Britain, France, and Germany, with the unemployment rate that has remained
E.the economies of Britain, France, and Germany, and the unemployment rate has remained

4.(10-32)Most of the purported health benefits of tea comes from antioxidants—compounds also found in beta carotene, vitamin E, and vitamin C that inhibit the formation of plaque along the body’s blood vessels.
A.comes from antioxidants—compounds also found in beta carotene, vitamin E, and vitamin C that
B.comes from antioxidants—compounds that are also found in beta carotene, vitamin E, and vitamin C, and they
C.come from antioxidants—compounds also found in beta carotene, vitamin E, and vitamin C, and
D.come from antioxidants—compounds that are also found in beta carotene, vitamin E, and vitamin C and that讲compunds的两个方面
E.come from antioxidants—compounds also found in beta carotene, vitamin E, and vitamin C, and they

5.(10-36,11-19)In Hungary, as in much of Eastern Europe, an overwhelming proportion of women work, many of which are in middle management and light industry. in much of Eastern Europe, an overwhelming proportion of women work, many of which are in with much of Eastern Europe, an overwhelming proportion of women works, many in in much of Eastern Europe, an overwhelming proportion of women work, many of them in much of Eastern Europe, an overwhelming proportion of women works, and many are much of Eastern Europe, an overwhelming proportion of women work, many are in

6.(10-38)Imported into Massachusetts form Europe in 1869, the gypsy moth was used by a French scientist in an attempt at developing a strong strain of silk-producing insects, crossing gypsy moths with adult silkworms.
A.Imported into Massachusetts from Europe in 1869, the gypsy moth was used by a French scientist in an attempt at developing a strong strain of silk-producing insects, crossing gypsy moths with adult silkworms.
B.Imported into Massachusetts form Europe in 1869, a French scientist was attempting to develop a strong strain of silk-producing insects by crossing gypsy moths with adult silkworms.
C.To cross gypsy moths with adult silkworms, in attempting the development of a strong strain of silk-producing insects, a French scientist in 1869 imported the gypsy moth into Massachusetts from Europe.
D.The gypsy moth was imported into Massachusetts from Europe in 1869 by a French scientist attempting to develop a strong strain of silk-producing insects by crossing gypsy moths with adult silkworms.
E.In an attempt at the development of a strong strain of silk-producing insects, a French scientist, importing the gypsy moth from Europe into Massachusetts in 1869 in order to cross gypsy moths and adult silkworms.

7.(10-37,11-26)On Earth, among the surest indications of sunspot cycles are believed to be the rate that trees grow, as seen in the rings visible in the cross sections of their trunks.
A.On Earth, among the surest indications of sunspot cycles are believed to be the rate that trees grow
B.On Earth, among the surest indications of sunspot cycles are, it is believed, the rate of tree growth
C.On Earth, the rate at which trees grow is believed to be among the surest indications of sunspot cycles
D.Among the surest indications on Earth of sunspot cycles, believed to be the tree growth rate
E.Among the surest indications on Earth of sunspot cycles is believed to be the rate at which trees grow

8.(10-39)In Japan, a government advisory committee called for the breakup of Nippon Telephone and Telegraph Company , the largest telephone company in the world, so it would be two local phone companies and one long-distance provider.
A.In Japan, a government advisory committee called for the breakup of Nippon Telephone and Telegraph Company, the largest telephone company in the world, so it would be
B.The breakup of the world’s largest telephone company, Nippon Telephone and Telegraph Company, was called for by a government advisory committee in Japan, so it would be
C.A government advisory committee in Japan called for the breakup of Nippon Telephone and Telegraph Company, the world’s largest telephone company, into
D.The breakup of Nippon Telephone and Telegraph Company, the world’s largest telephone company, was called for by a government advisory committee in Japan, so it would be
E.Called for by a government advisory committee, the breakup of Nippon Telephone and Telegraph Company in Japan, the world’s largest telephone company, was to be into

9.(10-41)In 1713, Alexander Pope began his translation of the Illiad, a work that, taking him seven years until completion, and that literary critic Samuel Johnson, Pope’s contemporary, pronounced the greatest translation in any language.
A.his translation of the Illiad, a work that, taking him seven years until completion, and that literary critic Samuel Johnson, Pope’s contemporary, pronounced
B.his translation of the Illiad, a work that took him seven years to complete and that literary critic Samuel Johnson, Pope’s contemporary, pronounced
C.his translation of the Illiad, a work that had taken seven years to complete and that literary critic Samuel Johnson, Pope’s contemporary, pronounced it is
D.translating the Illiad, a work that took seven years until completion and that literary critic Samuel Johnson, Pope’s contemporary, pronounced it as
E.translating the Illiad, a work that had taken seven years to complete and literary critic Samuel Johnson, Pope’s contemporary, pronounced it

10.(24-1)Tom Bradley was mayor of Los Angeles from 1973 to 1993, an era when the city had transformed from a collection of suburban neighborhoods to the second-largest city in the United States. era when the city had transformed era during which the city was transformed era that transformed it
D.during which era the city transformed
E.during which the city was transformed
发表于 2023-4-25 15:28:42 发自 iPhone | 只看该作者
发表于 2023-4-25 15:34:30 发自 iPhone | 只看该作者
发表于 2023-4-27 22:22:16 发自手机 Web 版 | 只看该作者
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