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[阅读小分队] 【揽瓜阁 外刊精读8.0】Day1 2021.06.16【社会科学-政治、农业】

发表于 2021-6-15 21:53:20 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
  Day1 2021.06.16

【社会科学-商业】Wine and politics have often blended in awkwards ways(Bloomberg -751字 长精读)

President Rutherford B. Hayes had embraced the temperance movement in his election bid, but at his first White House event in 1877, his advisers begged him to avert a diplomatic disaster and serve wine. The dinner was for Grand Duke Alexis, the Russian czar’s son who’d enjoyed Champagne while hunting with Buffalo Bill Cody on a previous U.S. visit.

Theodore Roosevelt, however, was all too willing to accept free Champagne from Moet & Chandon for a state dinner in 1902 honoring Prince Henry of Prussia and to launch the imperial yacht. The prince’s brother, the Kaiser, had supplied a German sparkling wine and was not pleased.

Politics and wine can make for clumsy pairings, as detailed by the lavishly illustrated and strictly bipartisan Wine and the White House: A History. Written by Frederick Ryan Jr., chairman of the White House Historical Association, the book delves widely, though not deeply, into how presidents have chosen to highlight ceremonies, foster diplomacy, and heavily promote the American wine industry long before the world viewed the U.S. as a serious producer.

It covers the full history of the presidency, from Madeira fan George Washington – though he didn’t live in the White House – to the present day. The biggest wine aficionado was Thomas Jefferson, who served bottles from France, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Portugal and Spain.

More than 100 menus from the past six decades are included. The lists from Harry Truman’s term from 1949 to 1953, for example, illustrate how the effects of Prohibition, exacerbated by World War II, had stunted American interest in and knowledge of wine. At a dinner for Winston Churchill, the White House paired Champagne with prime rib rather than the rich red we’d expect today. When it hosted Philippine President Elpidio Quirino, Champagne was poured with the salad course, something few contemporary sommeliers would recommend. (The high acidity in dressing makes dry sparkling wine taste flat.)

French wine was the norm for Presidents Eisenhower, Kennedy and Nixon. Even as California wines garnered public attention in the early 1960s, Kennedy didn’t take any chances when he hosted Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev in Vienna with 1953 Mouton Rothschild. Today it goes for $1800 a bottle.

Nixon, on the other hand, helped put California on the global wine map. The first president to visit China, he toasted peace with Premier Zhou Enlai with Napa’s 1969 Schramsberg blanc de blancs. He also continued Kennedy’s sparkling-wine-with-dessert tradition. The idea was to revive guests with bubbles, but pairing 1961 Dom Perignon with sweet, orangy Grand Marnier soufflé seems a waste of DP. Future presidents would choose sweeter sparklers, such as the demi-sec Schramsberg cremant the Reagans often picked to accompany fruit sorbets.

Matching specific bottles with guests for diplomatic purposes took off under President Clinton, who hired the White House’s first wine professional. The connections were sometimes a stretch: At a dinner in 1996 for Irish President Mary Robinson, the menu highlighted wineries whose owners’ ancestors had emigrated from Ireland.

The book doesn’t weigh in on controversies of more recent vintage, like when President Obama served a 2005 Quilceda Creek cabernet from Washington state at a dinner in 2011 for President Hu . At the time, the wine sold for $400, which some deemed extravagant during a recession. (The White House paid $125 for it.) More sober observers insisted that the executive branch should showcase America’s best, regardless of price.

Donald Trump is the only president to own a winery while in office. Given his penchant for promoting his various hotel and golf club properties, it’s notable that he has yet to serve any of his Virginia-produced wines at an official White House event. For a dinner in 2018 for French President Emmanuel Macron, he followed diplomatic norms and featured a 2014 Domaine Drouhin Laurene pinot noir from an Oregon winery founded by a famous Burgundian family.

Less interesting among its 456 pages are the book’s many photos of the White House glassware collection and transcripts of presidential toasts. But it’s redeemed by Ryan’s retelling of the role wine has played in our diplomatic history and the inevitable political calculations involved in presidents’ picks.

And that includes the choice to serve none at all. For their first dinner in 1877, President Hayes and his teetotaler wife, Lucy, eventually opened six wines from the stash of Ulysses S. Grant, the previous White House occupant. But those would be the last. From then on, “Lemonade Lucy,” as she was nicknamed, offered guests and heads of state fruit juice instead.

【社会科学-农业】The origins of agriculture( WSY -603 字 长精读)

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发表于 2021-6-16 10:41:33 发自 iPhone | 只看该作者


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发表于 2021-6-16 10:50:16 | 只看该作者
Wine and politics have often blended in awkward ways

A book is written for the history of wine at the white house.

P1&P2: President Rutherford B. Hayes embraced the temperance movement; however, Theodore Roosevelt really enjoyed wine.

P3: Frederick Ryan Jr wrote a book about how wine and politics related to each other in American history, espically presidency.

P4-P10: Introduced the a few different interesting stories/preferences about different president’s choices of wines.
P11: There is also photos of white house’s glassware and transcripts of presidential toasts.
P12: President Hayes and his wife doesn’t really like wines.

Politics and wine can make for clumsy pairings, as detailed by the lavishly illustrated and strictly bipartisan Wine and the White House: A History.

avert v. 避免
Temperance n. 戒酒
Exacerbated v. 加重(病情,痛苦等);使……恶化;激怒(exacerbate 的过去式和过去分词)
Emigrate v. 移民
Controversy n. 争论,辩论
Penchant n. 嗜好


The Origins of Agriculture
A book is written for the histroy of wine at the white house.

P1: Professor Childe wrote two books about the origins of agriculture. He thinks agriculturearose as a consequence of climate change.
P2: The agreement is that agriculture is caused by the population pressure. The question is what trigered the change from hunt to agriculture.

P3: The weather increased temperature and declined the dramatic changes in weather, which provided a better environment for agriculture. With the population increase, agriculture is the only chance for people to survive.

The savage cold and aridity of the Younger Dryas brought this period of advance to a grinding halt.

Desiccation v. 干燥
Consensus n. 一致
Paleolithic adj. 旧石器时代的
Inevitable adj. 必然的不可避免的
Amelioration n. 改进,改善
Aridity n. 干旱

发表于 2021-6-16 12:02:13 | 只看该作者
A book by Ryan tells the role wine has played in diplomatic history and the inevitable political calculations involved in presidents’ picks.

Paragraph main point:
1~2 President Rutherford’s attitude towards wine: temperance
3~5 Transition by introducing Ryan’s book and its content
6~10 Different preference for the wine by different Presidents
11 Conclusion about Ryan’s book
12 An exception in the book: President Hayes and his wife reject wines

temperance  戒酒 temperate adj. 温和的、节制的
exacerbate  加剧 恶化
norm  标准 standard

Discussion of the origin of agriculture

Paragraph main point:
1 Introduction of Childe idea: climate change lead to origin of agriculture
2 Another idea: population pressure lead to origin of agriculture
3 Conclusion: climate change -> population pressure -> origin of agriculture

Desiccation 干燥
Tally with 与…相符
(Time: 30mins)
 楼主| 发表于 2021-6-16 13:44:51 | 只看该作者
Jerry博 发表于 2021-6-16 10:50
Wine and politics have often blended in awkward ways


发表于 2021-6-16 17:39:16 | 只看该作者


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发表于 2021-6-16 18:46:40 | 只看该作者
6/16/2021 1st 打卡


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发表于 2021-6-16 18:48:20 | 只看该作者
【社会科学-商业】Wine and politics have often blended in awkwards ways(Bloomberg -751字 长精读)

Politics and wine are connected
President promote wine in ceremony
Eg: pair champagne with rib rather than red wine
Different presidents prefer different wine
Match specific bottles with guest for diplomatic purposes

Avert 避免
Lavishly 大方地
Bipartisan 两党
Delves 钻研
Diplomacy 外交
Prohibition 禁止
Exacerbated 加剧
Stunt 特技

【社会科学-农业】The origins of agriculture( WSY -603 字 长精读)

Origins >> v.gordon childe >> Neolithic revolution >> archaeological thinking: agriculture arose >> climate change: ice age >> desiccation >> withdrawal of human and plants to rivers and oases >> connection >> domestication >> population grow >> permanent settlement  


Other argument:

Agriculture grew due to population pressure>> story of hunter and carrying capacity >> adopt agriculture to feed more people

Climate condition draws the difference >> climate variability

Sedentism 定居主义

发表于 2021-6-16 20:01:06 发自 iPhone | 只看该作者


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发表于 2021-6-16 20:17:46 | 只看该作者
A book tells the history of wine’s role in U.S.A political history
1~2: The comparison between President Rutherford’s and Theodore Roosevelt’s attitudes towards wine
3~5: An introduction of Wine and the White House: A History
6~10: Each president has different preferences on wine served for diplomatic purpose
11~12: The emphasis of wine’s role and an exception about drink choice
Temperance 节食
Avert 避免
Clumsy 笨拙的
Aficionado …迷
Garner 储存
Weigh in on 对…发表意见
Redeem 补偿;赎回

The discussions of the origin of agriculture
1: Childe’s opinion on the origins of agriculture: the effects of abrupt climate change—too simplified
2: A consensus: the product of ‘population pressure’
3: A detailed version of Childe’s opinion
Desiccation 干燥
Toil 辛苦
Sedentism 定居
Amelioration 改进
Bring … to a halt 停止
Aridity 干旱
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