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[考场] 2012.10.27 北美机经回忆

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发表于 2012-10-28 07:47:58 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
Feel kinda depressed - I did it badly for all sections:
(A) Reading
1) Young Sun Paradox - I think it's in one of the listening sections in TPO.
2) The industrial revolution in Europe - something on how the "determinants" of the industrial rev in Europe. Also mention something about the printing.
3) how bird song determine the territory-mating season, complex bird song-impact [I think it's in one of the JJ by Mr kang]
4) the agricultural method - fallow and 3 tier cropping system

(was already nervous -no time to review)...
(B) Listening- was quite easy
Listening 1
1) students seeking funding from university to participate in the conservation of leather back turtle -went to financial aids officer.
-The scholarship application already due a month ago. The grants only availble to arts, music.
The financial aid officer advised the students to Oversea studies Board (not sure) to get more help.

2) Biology-focus; how organism survive in extreme condition
a) how organism/bacteria survive in extreme heat - hydrothermal vent : how did they convert the hyrogen sulfate to nutrient
b) How organism survive in extreme cold - underneath the glacier (psychrophile)
- salt lowers the freezing points of water.
-normally, organism will convert Sulfur to Sulfate, (Note: i i think it mentions about "Sulfite" as the energy for the organism) But psychrophile converts "Sulfate to Sulfite" -Qs: THE LEVEL OF "SULFATE" IN WATER REMAINS THE SAME..WHY? 'coz these organism uses the IRON underneath the glacier to convert back the "Sulfite" to "Sulfate" - they recycle it

3)Black diamond:
-Stephen Haggerty- theory that the black diamonds are from outer space - the meteorite that falls into earth, only found in Brazil and Central Africa.

You can read all about it here:

the content nearly the same.

features of black diamond ( have Qs):
-small pores, rough surface
-older than those other diamonds (OMG- i choose younger hahaha..)
-hydrogen element....

The prof attitude with the theory that the black diamond is from outer space (got Question)

2nd listening:
1) student seek advise on research paper - impact of automobile on manufacturing..
I think the prof worry that the student might not have enough sources (got question)
later the student change it to the impact of technology on Lumber industry

got question on donkey engine (shit- i select wrongly- should be the steam engine for logging)..haha

There is a progression of how technology impact on Lumber industry - steam logging, demand more log, build railway, ???? (got question)

Also, the impact of railroad on lumber (got question):
1) increase cost as rail needs to be built deeper inside forest
2) ??? forgot

2) signs found on cave painting that wasn't focused by  previous researches (the main topics-got questions) since they only focus on the drawings
There are few pictures appear:; dots, hands etc.

Note: there is a slang mentioned by prof (got question) - i think it means the previous research overlook the importance on the signs symbol at cave painting

a small oval in large oval - indicates ???? (sorry forgot)

Are those signs considered as early writing?

Sumerian- the 1st writing system

The combination of dots and handwriting results in ???? (got question) - i choose new meaning.haha
The signs in cave found in Northern Europe  also appeared in Northern Africa-why? 'coz the early people from Africa might have migrated to Europe but still use the same sign. Qs by student: impossible. Prof said it's possible 'coz 2 continents were joined together and separated due to tetonic plates pressure  ( Got Questions)

3) Art during Renaissance period -focus on method use to present the realism and naturalism of art during Renaissance period
- Why Leone Alberti or Michael Angelo (dont remember) are considered Renaissance artist - coz he knows lots of things - art, music, etc (got question)
The type of method use to draw portraits/sculptures (might be wrong)  
1st method) one side will differ from other side, like right hand against left leg (bended) to give a real movement. (Note: there is a term called "contropposto" -not important but got question asking why such appearance- i choose to provide realistic movement.

Also talking about they draw the portrait and focusing the proportion of head and body- how they study anatomy of body as measurement to avoid the head being too big or too small

2nd method) by Leone Alberti : 3D perspectives--something to do with drawing straight lines and the image you draw will create a 3D illussion.(got question on this)

(C) Speaking
(1) Talk your family member which has similar traits as you. Describe that traits.
(2) Decide:
    Big and new place but far from your workplace and/or university
    small and old place but near your workplace and/or university
(3) Letter proposal:
    1) convert large empty room in Maths building into small cafetaria. Student will can eat between classes
    2) install recharge outlets in new cafetaria so student can recharge their labtops.

 Woman agree:
1) Convenient - student can eat between classes as the current student center where the cafetaria is located is far away- save more time to go to next classes in Math Building
2) Recharge outlets- students always use labtops during classes - allows students to recharge and doing homework at the same time. Plus the Math building is old.

4) Diffusion effects- when information is shared between the 2 groups involved in the research, this will make the research outcome become ineffective/useless or this will defeat the original purpose/objective of the research.

The professor provides example of Group A and B in an office environment; Group A is told to perform stretching exercise to improve their health condition. Group B is told to continue on their existing work/ behavior. When one member is Group A leaked/told a member in Group B that he actually feels good about stretching exercise at workplace. Group B member will follow. The results of the research is not reliable since Group B follows the same advise as Group A.

5) Problem: waiting for friend who might not turn up and the guy miss his flight.
option 1; take a bus, but no direct bus to the airport. Need to change bus, plus heavy suitcase.
option 2: take a cab but expensive. Even enough to pay for taxi but plan to use the money to buy things during spring break.

6) the type of adaption that enables anmnal to run fast
a) special feet - a pad underneath the feet - able to run on rough surface and avoid hot sticks. Eg Cheetah

b) large long legs -muscular muscle around the leg sending the body forward-move faster. Also, long legs enables Cheetah to travel long distance within short time.

(D) writing
(1) Integrated writing:
Passage: bees exist on Earth 200million years ago.
1) the fossilized bees found 200 years ago in State of Arizona
2) Bees feed on flower or flowering plants whereby the flower or flowering plants only exist in 200m year ago

3) lack of spiral structure on the fossilized chamber compared to modern bee nest - this fossilized chamber might be made by other insects

Lecture: bees exist earlier than 200m years ago.
1) Tree resin that produces the subtance to preserve the bees only existed 200m years go. Bees may have been existed earlier before the existence of tree resin.

2) Bees may have been fed on non-flowering plants such as pine trees or firm ??? and gradually evolved to feeding on flower plants.

3)chemical evidence provides that the water proofing (i.e. prevents the water from entering the bee chamber) substance are found in both fossilized and modern bee chambers.

Independent writing
In the past young people are more depended on their parents in making decision. Today, young people are better able to make decisions in their own lives.
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发表于 2012-10-28 08:34:00 | 只看该作者
发表于 2012-10-28 08:37:47 | 只看该作者
果真很详细啊  啊啊啊啊
发表于 2012-10-28 09:09:33 | 只看该作者
what i tested are the same except the reading 4.  my version of reading 4 is the extinction of large animals in different continents. the writers listed serveral reasons such as climate changes, human hunting on the animals' extinction.

Feel kinda depressed - I did it badly for all sections:
(A) Reading
1) Young Sun Paradox - I think it's in one of the listening sections in TPO.
2) The industrial revolution in Europe - something on how the "determinants" of the industrial rev in Europe. Also mention something about the printing.
3) how bird song determine the territory-mating season, complex bird song-impact [I think it's in one of the JJ by Mr kang]
4) the agricultural method - fallow and 3 tier cropping system

(was already nervous -no time to review)...
(B) Listening- was quite easy
Listening 1
1) students seeking funding from university to participate in the conservation of leather back turtle -went to financial aids officer.
-The scholarship application already due a month ago. The grants only availble to arts, music.
The financial aid officer advised the students to Oversea studies Board (not sure) to get more help.

2) Biology-focus; how organism survive in extreme condition
a) how organism/bacteria survive in extreme heat - hydrothermal vent : how did they convert the hyrogen sulfate to nutrient
b) How organism survive in extreme cold - underneath the glacier (psychrophile)
- salt lowers the freezing points of water.
-normally, organism will convert Sulfur to Sulfate, (Note: i i think it mentions about "Sulfite" as the energy for the organism) But psychrophile converts "Sulfate to Sulfite" -Qs: THE LEVEL OF "SULFATE" IN WATER REMAINS THE SAME..WHY? 'coz these organism uses the IRON underneath the glacier to convert back the "Sulfite" to "Sulfate" - they recycle it

3)Black diamond:
-Stephen Haggerty- theory that the black diamonds are from outer space - the meteorite that falls into earth, only found in Brazil and Central Africa.

You can read all about it here:

the content nearly the same.

features of black diamond ( have Qs):
-small pores, rough surface
-older than those other diamonds (OMG- i choose younger hahaha..)
-hydrogen element....

The prof attitude with the theory that the black diamond is from outer space (got Question)

2nd listening:
1) student seek advise on research paper - impact of automobile on manufacturing..
I think the prof worry that the student might not have enough sources (got question)
later the student change it to the impact of technology on Lumber industry

got question on donkey engine (shit- i select wrongly- should be the steam engine for logging)..haha

There is a progression of how technology impact on Lumber industry - steam logging, demand more log, build railway, ???? (got question)

Also, the impact of railroad on lumber (got question):
1) increase cost as rail needs to be built deeper inside forest
2) ??? forgot

2) signs found on cave painting that wasn't focused by  previous researches (the main topics-got questions) since they only focus on the drawings
There are few pictures appear:; dots, hands etc.

Note: there is a slang mentioned by prof (got question) - i think it means the previous research overlook the importance on the signs symbol at cave painting

a small oval in large oval - indicates ???? (sorry forgot)

Are those signs considered as early writing?

Sumerian- the 1st writing system

The combination of dots and handwriting results in ???? (got question) - i choose new meaning.haha
The signs in cave found in Northern Europe  also appeared in Northern Africa-why? 'coz the early people from Africa might have migrated to Europe but still use the same sign. Qs by student: impossible. Prof said it's possible 'coz 2 continents were joined together and separated due to tetonic plates pressure  ( Got Questions)

3) Art during Renaissance period -focus on method use to present the realism and naturalism of art during Renaissance period
- Why Leone Alberti or Michael Angelo (dont remember) are considered Renaissance artist - coz he knows lots of things - art, music, etc (got question)
The type of method use to draw portraits/sculptures (might be wrong)  
1st method) one side will differ from other side, like right hand against left leg (bended) to give a real movement. (Note: there is a term called "contropposto" -not important but got question asking why such appearance- i choose to provide realistic movement.

Also talking about they draw the portrait and focusing the proportion of head and body- how they study anatomy of body as measurement to avoid the head being too big or too small

2nd method) by Leone Alberti : 3D perspectives--something to do with drawing straight lines and the image you draw will create a 3D illussion.(got question on this)

(C) Speaking
(1) Talk your family member which has similar traits as you. Describe that traits.
(2) Decide:
    Big and new place but far from your workplace and/or university
    small and old place but near your workplace and/or university
(3) Letter proposal:
    1) convert large empty room in Maths building into small cafetaria. Student will can eat between classes
    2) install recharge outlets in new cafetaria so student can recharge their labtops.

 Woman agree:
1) Convenient - student can eat between classes as the current student center where the cafetaria is located is far away- save more time to go to next classes in Math Building
2) Recharge outlets- students always use labtops during classes - allows students to recharge and doing homework at the same time. Plus the Math building is old.

4) Diffusion effects- when information is shared between the 2 groups involved in the research, this will make the research outcome become ineffective/useless or this will defeat the original purpose/objective of the research.

The professor provides example of Group A and B in an office environment; Group A is told to perform stretching exercise to improve their health condition. Group B is told to continue on their existing work/ behavior. When one member is Group A leaked/told a member in Group B that he actually feels good about stretching exercise at workplace. Group B member will follow. The results of the research is not reliable since Group B follows the same advise as Group A.

5) Problem: waiting for friend who might not turn up and the guy miss his flight.
option 1; take a bus, but no direct bus to the airport. Need to change bus, plus heavy suitcase.
option 2: take a cab but expensive. Even enough to pay for taxi but plan to use the money to buy things during spring break.

6) the type of adaption that enables anmnal to run fast
a) special feet - a pad underneath the feet - able to run on rough surface and avoid hot sticks. Eg Cheetah

b) large long legs -muscular muscle around the leg sending the body forward-move faster. Also, long legs enables Cheetah to travel long distance within short time.

(D) writing
(1) Integrated writing:
Passage: bees exist on Earth 200million years ago.
1) the fossilized bees found 200 years ago in State of Arizona
2) Bees feed on flower or flowering plants whereby the flower or flowering plants only exist in 200m year ago

3) lack of spiral structure on the fossilized chamber compared to modern bee nest - this fossilized chamber might be made by other insects

Lecture: bees exist earlier than 200m years ago.
1) Tree resin that produces the subtance to preserve the bees only existed 200m years go. Bees may have been existed earlier before the existence of tree resin.

2) Bees may have been fed on non-flowering plants such as pine trees or firm ??? and gradually evolved to feeding on flower plants.

3)chemical evidence provides that the water proofing (i.e. prevents the water from entering the bee chamber) substance are found in both fossilized and modern bee chambers.

Independent writing
In the past young people are more depended on their parents in making decision. Today, young people are better able to make decisions in their own lives.
-- by 会员 adam1977 (2012/10/28 7:47:58)

 楼主| 发表于 2012-10-28 09:28:56 | 只看该作者
加试 - this always happen in USA.
发表于 2012-10-28 09:35:59 | 只看该作者
so the different passage is additional test, which does not count into the score?  that's a pity i did not have enought time to finish the last one - bird territory.
 楼主| 发表于 2012-10-28 09:49:53 | 只看该作者
dont worry.. i think the results are curved and they might take into considerations of your completed reading section..

I really did badly on the speaking sections..none of my reasons make any sense - i was cut off in the 1st 3 speaking tasks...Task 1, 2 and 3...I managed to pick up at the task 4,5 and 6..

I need the 103 minimum scores to pursue my master....

I cant believe my English is that bad....
发表于 2012-10-28 10:23:40 | 只看该作者
 楼主| 发表于 2012-10-28 10:30:27 | 只看该作者
oh really? does it repeat the questions in China?
发表于 2012-10-28 12:44:26 | 只看该作者
LZ has a extremely good memory. Thanks for sharing!
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