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发表于 2004-10-27 11:10:00 | 只看该作者



AI-34:“All citizens should be required to perform a specified amount of public service. Such service would benefit not only the country as a whole but also the individual participants.”

Should all citizens be required to perform a specified amount of public service, as the speaker suggests here? This question involves a conflict between the right of spending time freely as individual and the duty of individual to the society. While I agree that government should protect the right that people spend their time freely, I believe that citizens should be required to perform a specified amount of public service, for two reasons.

In the first place, I believe that as people participate in the public service, both citizens and the society would benefit.  The benefit the participation of public service produces is, in my view, both palpable and profound. To the individuals, participating public service has a moral impact to the sense of relationship between citizens and society; to the society, the participation promotes a tendency toward moral and responsibility behaviors. Both outcomes, in turn, strengthen the social fabrics that hold a society together.

In the second place, the participants of public service will learn lots of knowledge that they can hardly learn from any other ways. Perhaps the most handy example is that when people participate the program of helping children to study how to cooperate with other children, the participant will learn the rudimental responds of children that exist among adults as well but can hardly observed due to people's efforts of fake. The experience will help people who join the program how to communicate with and understand other people’s behaviors better.

Those who advocate the free time spending might point out that the requirement of a specified amount of public service will limit the right of people who want to occupy the time in other aspects. But in my assessment, even the limitation of spending time freely exists, the efforts that encourage participate in public service are worthwhile to both individual and the society.

In sum, the opinion of the speaker that all citizens should be required to perform a specified amount of public service is necessary to the strengthen of a society and will benefit both the country as a whole and the individual participants. And in my views of point, the assertion the speaker suggests here, in any case, provides a great rationale to the benefit of individual to increase knowledge critical to both careers and common life.

发表于 2004-10-29 13:15:00 | 只看该作者
Sebastian兄,祝你考试顺利!考试时有这样的发挥,AWA就不用担心了. 加油!
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