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[面试经验] Cox phone interview

发表于 2004-2-18 23:22:00 | 只看该作者

Cox phone interview

Just finishing the phone interview from admission director. This lady is very kind but speak quite fast. I will got their final decision early next week.

Below    are    two interesting questions she raised:    

1. Tell sth about the best mistake you've made?    

2. which one of following four words is suit for describe urself? "thoughtful" "teammember" "motive actor" (sorry, I forget the last one)

[此贴子已经被作者于2004-2-24 13:42:35编辑过]
发表于 2004-2-19 13:47:00 | 只看该作者
the phone interview of Cox is a really good sign. Waiting your good news!
[此贴子已经被作者于2004-2-19 13:46:57编辑过]
发表于 2004-2-23 13:57:00 | 只看该作者
Congratulation, Lorena. You've been busy with plenty of interviews these days.

Really a season for harvest! What do you mean by motive actor!

 楼主| 发表于 2004-2-24 13:42:00 | 只看该作者
以下是引用lk在2004-2-23 13:57:00的发言:
Congratulation, Lorena. You've been busy with plenty of interviews these days.

Really a season for harvest! What do you mean by motive actor!

Thanks, lk.    Yeah, a little busy these days, still have two face to face interview to deal with. My understanding for "motive actor" is the kind of decisive person who has the passion for action and challenges.

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