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发表于 2006-8-2 11:38:00 | 只看该作者


  2年前考完GMAT就一直没有回过CD。我是04本科毕业的,目前在一家500强公司做市场专员。本来想去考07交大的pt mba,但是看到大家都说很水,一幅混文凭的样子,但是自己又是想好好学习点东西的。我的大学gpa 只有3.0,学校也属于一般的重点大学(211工程,但不是很有名)。感觉自己如果去申请hk的学校或者中欧,背景不是太强,而考交大,因为联考笔试成绩在录取中占据重要地位,所以比较有把握。

   我的职业目标是做营销战略咨询。请nn们在择校和职业规划上面给我些建议。如果假设我的风险承受能力一般,是就去读个pt mba还是再工作1-2年,再去申请hk的学校会比较好呢?还有感觉因为公司比较大,所以再过一二年可能还是专员的级别,是不是应该跳槽去一家小公司,反而容易把tilte升上去呢。


 楼主| 发表于 2006-8-2 11:40:00 | 只看该作者


发表于 2006-8-2 13:59:00 | 只看该作者
发表于 2006-8-2 14:09:00 | 只看该作者



 楼主| 发表于 2006-8-2 14:14:00 | 只看该作者
发表于 2006-8-7 20:08:00 | 只看该作者
以下是引用sinocheetah在2006-8-2 14:09:00的发言:



北京有没有不水的PT MBA?
发表于 2006-8-9 19:35:00 | 只看该作者
PT MBA北大国际的听说还可以。其他不是一般的水!本来国内大学办的就比较水了,PT会更水一些。
发表于 2006-8-9 23:00:00 | 只看该作者


这里,我捍卫一下HKU MBA in ShangHai: ;项目名字或者叫“香港大学-复旦大学 国际MBA”  , Part Time上海上课,学位是HKU的MBA(international)学位。

前几天刚刚送走一个我们班的一个同学去德意志银行(欧洲一年的培训),同学们都很刻苦,教授的情况,我在其他帖子也介绍了,就在亚洲区, 我想如果其他哪个PT敢把它的课程表和教授情况作比较的话,我是很欢迎的,这样对于亚洲区的申请者才真正的有帮助和借鉴作用。



 楼主| 发表于 2006-8-11 09:29:00 | 只看该作者

我有个地方不太明白,当然不是特别针对楼上的。就是fudan mba的录取程序,是先录取fudan项目的,包括pt和ft,如果没有被录取的话,也可以申请与港大的联合项目。当然,也有一些人没有参加全国mba联考,是直接用gmat申请港大项目的。这样的话给我的感觉是,很多港大项目的学生是其他项目挑剩的。


发表于 2006-8-11 22:53:00 | 只看该作者

Dear Anfan, Your question is good and I can share the true information with you.

The HKU-FDU program is operated together with two Universities together. HKU strictly controls the degree and gradually provides more and more world top professors to this program. But FuDan U also does contribution for the facilities, office service, management, admin and good professors. Therefore, FuDan
    University always should balance the students resource internally between its MBA programs.

HKU-FDU MBA Grade 2006 is the ninth MBA groups in FuDan campus. The statistics prove that more and more excellent and successful business people join the big family. Considering FuDan University do a lot of works for the program and we do accept FuDan MBA applicant’s second apply for this program internally if they fit the requirement. According to the statistics I got from the office, 7 students out of the more than 100 applicants in the second interview round who apply for this program were accepted by HKU-FDU family. And the statistics shows that less and less opportunities for the second applicants for this program .Here I do think that the HKU professors have different viewpoint with FDU's or others. But we do not look down of these people and I do think they have some virtues better than you and me. We can’t guarantee that each time that we can provide an excellent result. And please also be mercy that GRK students do not have too much chance for multiple choices for MBA programs in China. For this program now, less than 50% join us through GRK, this is a huge different compared with before.

About the MBA background of this program, I do really hope that these candidates who have interests about us can visit our office to have a face to face talk with the faculties and you can have more clear idea about the whole picture of HKU FUD MBA program. About the professors for this program, I do hope you can check them through the internet about some of them, such as Eric Zhang, BaiChongEn, Tao ZhiGang, PanYiGang of HKU. Actually, all these professors I mentioned do really provide lessons to my class. Others professors from FDU and others for my electives will not be mentioned here.

Some friends mentioned here for the comparison with other MBA programs of FuDan,  I need highlight here that this MBA program is the MBA(International) Degree of HKU, and FuDan do provide the study certificate. But it’s not polite to say that we are better than others of FuDan. During the hundred years, HKU always strictly control the degree, maintain the reputations. We do believe that she is one of the top MBA programs in China or even in Asia currently. Considering HKU's more and more focus in the program, also FuDan always invite the best professors for this MBA. If you want to get more information, please do investigate yourself, each MBA program has its virtues and we just choose the suitable one for us.

Finally, let’s go back to the main topic to talk something about the part time MBA. We do choose something for different reasons and do move ahead with our own styles. If there are still some questions I don’t give you a clear answer, please send short message to me and I will reply quickly.

[此贴子已经被作者于2006-8-12 18:30:31编辑过]
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