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Shall I quit IVEY?

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发表于 2005-9-23 11:07:00 | 只看该作者

Shall I quit IVEY?

I caught up the last train to get into Ivey this year. Now after more than 2 weeks in Ivey, the school suddenly announced that from next year, it will change its 2 yr program to 1 yr. At the same time, the school promised that this change will restore its reputation in the long term.

However, I really doubt this strategy.

Yes, Ivey is in deep trouble in recent years, from 2001 to this year, its ranking is sliding down from top 20 to 34, which is the last spot of 2nd tier. Applicants reduced to just over 500 for 2005, and students reduced from 320 to 170 this year. The accepted rate is 60%, which means in every 3 applicants, the school gives 2 admission. Too easy for a top school, do you think? Then among the students who received offer, only 50% will actually go to the school. So obviously the school desperately needs some changes.

For Chinese students, the situation is more pessimistic. Among 70 or more 2nd Chinese students, only 6 got summer intern in North America. And that is a good year --- for years before last year, I heard that only 1 or 2 Chinese students could get summer intern jobs. Of course, there are students getting summer intern and final jobs(300k RMB) in China.  But only if you are going to Ivey for immigration purpose, I donot see any return from these data.

Furthermore, Ivey seems donot emphasis on teaching hardcore skills, such as professional knowledge. In return, it emphases more on soft skills, such as presentation, team work and communication. For example, in your grade, 30% is class presentation, which means you have to raise your hand all the time, so that you can get chances to answer questions or ask questions. While I highly believe class participation is key for MBA study, I sincerely doubt the results of this grading system which will easily lead to the situation when you raise your hands for marks, not for interesting thoughts or ideas, thus, class participation simply looses all meanings. It becomes an acting instead of thinking.

So personally speaking, I think the recent failure of Ivey is rooting from less employers, thus the school cannot attract top quality students, and this leads to even less employers.

In addition, I donot think simply changing 2yrs to 1yr, will fix the problems. Because it is not the request from the employers. In addition, very few business schools succeed the 1yr program. Actually, in North America, only heard of 1yr school is Queen, and it is not a historically top ranking school.

If I were the dean, I would first try to regroup ourselves by hiring top professors. Then I will push the career management team to extensively visit existing employers and possible employers. Career management team is the school's sales team, and they shall not allowed to sit in their offices. Except a few members who would be responsible for student couching, all other career management team shall vigorously visit employers in Canada and in USA, in person. If you have working experience in sales, you can understand that you can rarely get customers by only sending emails or phone calls without personal visits. You have to go there, ask them to give opportunities to our students, and listen to their requirements and concern. Then you go back to school and adjust our educational process to meet their requirements.

Ivey's reform, to me, is not a sparkling renovation. Instead, it is more like a person who is in the gambling game, and his chips are almost gone. So he just makes his last bet and prays for good luck.

As to my MBA, short term speaking, when I graduate, there will be 60 more people competing with me for the already not many jobs. In the long term, if the reform fails, then I will lose almost all investment for going to Ivey MBA. Your long term return for MBA is simply your school's reputation.

So in short, I am seriously thinking of quitting and reapplying for top schools, could you help me by giving me some suggestions and recommendations? Thanks in advance for your time and advice.

发表于 2005-9-23 12:51:00 | 只看该作者
这个周末的MBA TOUR有题材可以问IVEY了,到时候给你个官方的回答吧.

发表于 2005-9-23 13:15:00 | 只看该作者
I strongly encourage you to apply for top US business schools if you are ambitious enough.
发表于 2005-9-23 13:53:00 | 只看该作者
Renovation is very critical in today's business world. Without renovation, companies will be sure die out in the competition. I view Ivey's renovation as the likely high competition in the future.
发表于 2005-9-23 14:16:00 | 只看该作者

One of my friends failed to get offer from US, but from Ivey. She finally decided to reapply this year, but not go to Ivey. I know little about Ivey, but if you have plan to work in Canada, I think it should not be a big risk that Ivey initiative some changes.

发表于 2005-9-23 15:02:00 | 只看该作者

事业如定位回国发展,去美国学校。如考虑在加拿大悠然过平静小康日子,就随缘了,毕竟整个application package下来,花了很多心血。


发表于 2005-9-23 21:20:00 | 只看该作者


发表于 2005-9-24 01:16:00 | 只看该作者

Kind of similar case here with me...

I am a new MBA student in BC (Boston College), actually I am doing MBA and master of finance at the same time here.

I should not say I am dissatified with BC's MBA, at least not so far...and I dont know whether I should be defined as "ambitious", but...well, BC's finance is OK, top 25 finance phd program, but i am doing MBA/MSF here, and in new England, there are so many top schools here...

I want to go into the investment banking industry, or financial mgmt/counculting, but the career office told me yesterday, even for US students, it is not so easy for an MBA to get into IB if u have no previous IB w/e. She said thos IB will recruit many undergrad students, then after some years they will select those who have great potential to send them to top MBA programs and pay the tuition for them.

I am considering, should I quit MBA and just do MSF here? Since MBA is not much helpful to get into the finance industry than an MSF degree...then after some time, decide whether to go for a top MBA program.

If u guys can give me ur opinion, i will great appreciate that!!!

发表于 2005-9-24 03:07:00 | 只看该作者

my suggestion is no,

1.with no prior experience in IB/MC/PE, will a top 10 mba degree get you that much further? will adcom view your new application indicating that you had applied, accepted an offer from another university, then left after several weeks, where's the commitment and dedication?

3.if you apply for fall 2006, what is the opportunity cost for not doing anything for one year?

发表于 2005-9-24 05:16:00 | 只看该作者
以下是引用jkmbe在2005-9-24 3:07:00的发言:

my suggestion is no,

1.with no prior experience in IB/MC/PE, will a top 10 mba degree get you that much further? will adcom view your new application indicating that you had applied, accepted an offer from another university, then left after several weeks, where's the commitment and dedication?

3.if you apply for fall 2006, what is the opportunity cost for not doing anything for one year?

yes...opportunity cost is my concern...well, if I quit MBA here and only do MSF(I can quit either one here, or, I can do both at the same time), when I apply again for top MBA programs, how can they know I once was in an MBA prgm for several weeks?

Also, if I quit MBA now, I think I wont appy for fall 2006, I will just do MSF and see whether I can find a job here. If I want to do MBA again, then maybe I will do it some years later. Well, but on the other hand, if I can get a decent job with just the MSF degree, why bother to have another career break and spend 2 years to do an MBA?

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