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发表于 2005-9-16 10:36:00 | 只看该作者



Pros:总体机会成本更低(本地学生5.6万/国际学生6.6万加元可能是Top30里最低的之一);2-3年后学校的排名可能会更高(就如Queen's的策略);一年招生2次,入学更加灵活(就如York的模式);偏重于全局化、全球化视角(就如Rotman的口号);重视新兴市场(特别是中国和印度);在中国会有更多的校友网络;学生的入学年龄会更大一些;不用呆在伦敦(ontario)这种小城市两年;适合原来从事functional而想通过MBA向general management的人

Cons:减少了marketing, financing, IT等方面的专业课程;实质性学习内容有所减少;一些functional专业的优秀教授可能会离开;一年的学习对英语要求和适应能力要求更高;对于国际学生来说学费比以前增加8000加元(但由于减少了一年的生活费,学习成本基本持平,更何况还减少了一年的失业成本);缺少summer internship后,留在加拿大就业的机会更少;不适合希望通过MBA改变职业方向(如进入Consulting和IB)的人;

总体来说此次调整是Ivey面临Toronto, Queen's等学校竞争压力的情况下结合自身现状作出的策略性选择。Ivey估计难以成为顶级名校,但很可能会成为有特色的一流名校。以上纯属个人观点,欢迎现在在Ivey的MBA学生在“怒气冲冲”之余能够发表一些意见-

Specifics about an Ivey MBA.

Ivey has always endorsed the benefits of a two-year format, why are we changing to a one-year program?

We live in a world that is rapidly changing. The global business environment is changing. The way businesses work and compete is changing. In developing this strategy, we consulted in-depth with our alumni, corporate recruiters, current and potential students. They clearly informed us of the need for business education to adapt to the realities of the current and future global business environment.

Ivey’s current MBA program was recently highlighted in Business Week (August 1, 2005) as one of four of the best MBA programs in “creativity and innovation” with a “nontraditional approach urging students to learn business from all angles.” Given our preeminent history and our nontraditional approach to business education, it is only natural the Ivey take the lead in responding to change.

Doesn’t this reduce the quality of the MBA?

Our new MBA program is designed for a group of high-performing students that has the management experience, knowledge and leadership potential to thrive in a very intensive and rigorous one-year program. Class time in the new program has been reduced by only 5 percent compared to our current program. We have also added more international exposure and a dedicated career management training module which will further contribute to a unique student experience.

Who would be a typical candidate for the MBA program?

With a minimum of two years work experience, Ivey MBA candidates should indicate that they have actively managed people, or have had client relationships, or have had demonstrable leadership experiences. We are looking for candidates that have the drive and desire to become high performance managers and leaders.

What is the objective/focus of the program?

The new emphasis on Cross-Enterprise Leadership™ at Ivey will change the face of business education. Cross-Enterprise Leadership goes beyond conventional cross-functional approaches such as matrix management that are typically specific to a project, problem or crisis. It compels decision-makers to address issues, on an ongoing basis, from the perspective of the entire enterprise.

For Ivey, this is a clean break from the traditional approach to management education that uses functional disciplines (finance, accounting, marketing, strategy, etc.) as its foundation, and, at best, layers on capstone courses, simulations and field projects to encourage students to think in a cross-functional fashion.

In an intensive, rigorous and competitive environment, will Ivey continue to emphasize the fundamental skills of teamwork, communication and collaboration?

Teamwork remains a fundamental core competence that organizations demand. Our first module focuses on team-building as part of the overall leadership competency all Ivey graduates need to acquire. Learning teams will continue to be an essential fabric to the program.

Ivey is a “case school” and now eliminating functional courses, how can I learn finance and accounting skills that I will need.

While Ivey relies heavily on the case pedagogy, we employ a number of teaching methods. Cases allow for an important decision-making context and action-orientation. That doesn’t preclude us from stepping back from a case setting and providing some fundamental basics and skill development. While Cross-Enterprise Leadership will address learning from an “issues” standpoint, every Ivey student will graduate from the program with an unequalled skill in all functional areas as well. Our huge network of graduates who are working in investment banking and finance are the true testament to the success of our way of learning.

When does the program start?

We have two start dates: Spring or late-May (ending in late-April) and fall or late-October (ending in mid-September).

Can I switch between cycles?

No. You cannot start in one cycle and finish in another cycle.

When are the classes during the day?

The typical facilitated in-class learning will be four hours, (either 8am to noon or 1:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m.). Outside of class there will be scheduled time for learning team meetings.

Can I specialize in I-Banking or other specialized careers?

Students will have the opportunity to specialize along career streams that help prepare for careers such as Financial Services and Consulting. Approximately 20 percent of the program will be focused on these streams, which will integrate with Cross-Enterprise Leadership.

With such an intensive schedule, will I have the opportunity to build a network with my peers and develop leadership skills through extra-curricular activities?

We recognize the importance of extra-curricular activities as an important asset of the MBA experience. Ivey will continue to have an MBA Association, clubs and important extra-curricular and social activities such as cultural nights, LEADER and Ivey Connects. Activities available may vary depending on the timing of the incoming cohort.

What kind of career management support will be available?

Ivey’s Career Management Centre is the largest and best qualified in Canada, with 16 staff in three countries, including five certified career coaches, who have the education, certification, professional training and experience to guide every student’s career plan. That’s three times the support you’ll get anywhere in Canada.

[此贴子已经被作者于2005-9-16 10:49:37编辑过]
发表于 2005-9-16 11:15:00 | 只看该作者


不过我不认为这次调整是重视中国的选择。大多中国学生其实更喜欢两年制的MBA,很多人担心一年内能学到多少东西,语言能力在一年内的提高也甚有限。而且没有了summer intern的机会,对于没有加拿大工作经验的人想在加拿大找工作是一种巨大的挑战。我认为真正受益的是欧洲和加拿大本地人。一年的学习让他们节省了大量的机会成本,同时又无语言学习的后顾之忧。


另一方面,没有明确地划分marketing, finance, accounting等科目的界限我认为是很有前途的革新,IVEY是培养LEADER的,未来所面临的世界也许就是这样。


发表于 2005-9-16 11:33:00 | 只看该作者
发表于 2005-9-16 13:56:00 | 只看该作者

发表于 2005-9-16 15:42:00 | 只看该作者


[此贴子已经被作者于2005-9-16 15:43:49编辑过]
发表于 2005-9-20 02:49:00 | 只看该作者

out of the blue,那是不是说象我这种原本就是做general management的人就学不到啥专业知识了?一年拿个degree?头疼。。


发表于 2005-9-20 07:41:00 | 只看该作者
Money makes this world turn around. MBA is a product, who is selling it and how to sell it is up to the firm.

But for consumer, pizza hut may sounds hip and hot, it is actually bad to the health.

 楼主| 发表于 2005-9-20 10:07:00 | 只看该作者


Ivey此次改革计划的出台经历了9个月,除了Mckinsey的参与外,还作了大量企业界和校友的研究调查。它所提出的教学方式和1年学制目前并不是商学院的主流,但仔细想想对于有一定工作经验的人来说还是有不少的现实意义。至于能否学到实际的内容,那大家可以问一下Insead, IMD, Queen's的学生。当然,不得不承认,这样的MBA更适合原来就有一定管理经验的人。

大家可能更关注的是MBA,其实变化更大的是整个学校的组织结构。Ivey成立了4个学科研究中心,分别是Emerging Market, Building Sustainable Value, Entrepreneurship & Innovation, Cross-Enterprise Leadership。所有的教授都必须把自己的研究方向至少其中的一个中心靠拢,并且鼓励教授把原来只有极少数人才看的学术论文转换成Harvard Business Review和Sloan Management Review等通俗刊物上的文章,从而加强Ivey学校和教授本人的影响力。


发表于 2005-9-20 10:20:00 | 只看该作者


I couldn't agree more

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