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发表于 2005-5-26 16:30:00 | 只看该作者


People are overwhelmed by the increasing amount of information available on the computer. Therefore, the immediate goal of the IT industry should be to help people learn how to obtain the information they need efficiently and wisely.

Lately there is a disputation over whether the IT industry should make every effort to help computer users to get information on internet efficiently and wisely. Some people contends that the IT industry should begin to do so, while other people claim that it should not pay attention to this problem. In fact, the issue mentioned above is a perplexing and debatable one. Whether the IT industry should try to help computer users to learn the skills to find useful information probably rests on the concrete circumstance. Actually the complex nature of the issue necessitates a case-to-case anatomy. In the following analysis, I would like to bring forward evidence favoring the former one and rebutting the later one.

In the first place, the salient reason that can be displayed to substantiate my viewpoint is that it may take a lot of time for a user to search for the intended information. Probably when a person sits before his computer, he already knows what information he really need, but he just can not figure it out. Why? Firstly, there is not an complete or comprehensive index on line. This fact means that the information on line is scattered without regularity. Secondly, there are different ways of defining the same subject. Thus, one can never expect to find all what you want. Under these circumstance, it is evident that internet surfer needs help to seek out the required information efficiently and wisely.

In the second place, there is another reason for me to choose the former statement. The reason is not far to seek: almost all things  on  the internet are industrialized. To illustrate, consider the search engines. Nowadays, all search engines are mercantile, meaning that they are the instrument for businesspersons to earn money. For instance, if you type in "green tea" and search it, maybe the first pages are all about ads for some kinds of tea products rather the information you desire.

Admittedly, it is de facto truth that some people have excellent skills to search for whatever information they want. However, this fact alone does not necessarily constitute a strong support that people do not need these sorts of skills. Actually these cases are uncommon and therefore too specific and too deficient. Other people may argue that users can teach themselves; but even teaching themselves is time consuming and needs a lot of related information.

To sum up, due to the above mentioned reasons which always intertwine to form an organic whole and thus become more convincing, we can safely arrive at the conclusion that the IT industry should help computer users to obtain information on internet efficiently and wisely.


发表于 2005-5-26 17:22:00 | 只看该作者
以下是引用ethyl在2005-5-26 16:30:00的发言:

People are overwhelmed by the increasing amount of information available on the computer. Therefore, the immediate goal of the IT industry should be to help people learn how to obtain the information they need efficiently and wisely.

Lately there is a disputation over whether the IT industry should make every effort to help computer users to get information on internet efficiently and wisely. Some people contends that the IT industry should begin to do so, while other people claim that it should not pay attention to this problem. In fact, the issue mentioned above is a perplexing and debatable one. Whether the IT industry should try to help computer users to learn the skills to find useful information probably rests on the concrete circumstance. Actually the complex nature of the issue necessitates a case-to-case anatomy.


In the following analysis, I would like to bring forward evidence favoring the former one and rebutting the later one.

In the first place, the salient reason that can be displayed to substantiate my viewpoint is that it may take a lot of time for a user to search for the intended information. Probably when a person sits before his computer, he already knows what information he really need, but he just can not figure it out. Why? Firstly, there is not an complete or comprehensive

find             figure out 是演算出,想出,理解的意思

index on line. This fact means that the information on line is scattered without regularity. Secondly, there are different ways of defining the same subject. Thus, one can never expect to find all what you want.

he or she wants

Under these circumstance, it is evident that internet surfer needs help to seek out the required information efficiently and wisely.

In the second place, there is another reason for me to choose the former statement. The reason is not far to seek: almost all things  on  the internet are industrialized. To illustrate, consider the search engines. Nowadays, all search engines are mercantile, meaning that they are the


instrument for businesspersons to earn money. For instance, if you type in "green tea" and search it, maybe the first pages are all about ads for some kinds of tea products rather the information you desire.

Admittedly, it is de facto truth that some people have excellent skills to search for whatever information they want. However, this fact alone does not necessarily constitute a strong support that people do not need these sorts of skills. Actually these cases are uncommon and therefore too specific and too deficient to refute my point of view. Other people may argue that users can teach themselves; but even teaching themselves is time consuming and needs a lot of related information.

To sum up, due to the above mentioned reasons which always intertwine to form an organic whole and thus become more convincing, we can safely arrive at the conclusion that the IT industry should help computer users to obtain information on internet efficiently and wisely.







[此贴子已经被作者于2005-5-26 17:24:29编辑过]
发表于 2005-5-26 17:22:00 | 只看该作者
 楼主| 发表于 2005-5-26 17:36:00 | 只看该作者

Whether the IT industry should try to help computer users to learn the skills to find useful information probably rests on the concrete circumstance. Actually the complex nature of the issue necessitates a case-to-case anatomy.


find             figure out 是演算出,想出,理解的意思









发表于 2005-5-26 18:55:00 | 只看该作者




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