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已售 最新第三版Manhattan LSAT Set of 3 Strategy Guides原版

发表于 2013-1-15 16:03:20 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
原版 2012年10月最新第三版 3本 LG LR RC



Book Description
Release Date:October 23, 2012| ISBN-10:1935707876| ISBN-13:978-1935707875| Edition:Original
Manhattan LSAT takes a fresh and innovative approach to the LSAT by featuring techniques geared toward students aiming for top scores.Our guides are true course materials, created and field-tested by the best teachers in the business.
Included in this all-in-one set are books devoted to the test’s three sections: Logical Reasoning, Reading Comprehension, and Logic Games.

TheLogical Reasoning Strategy Guide(9781935707851) teaches the essential strategies you’ll need to understand the questions while also arming you with the skills needed to pick apart the answer choices. Avoiding an unwieldy and ineffective focus on memorizing sub-categories and steps, this guide instead reveals what top-scorers actually do, encouraging a more streamlined approach that engages and improves your natural critical-thinking skills.

TheReading Comprehension Strategy Guide(9781935707868) goes well beyond the standard approach to reading comprehension. It trains you to approach the LSAT as a law student would approach a legal text, actively and with a purpose, leading you to faster and more effective reading. Furthermore, you’ll learn how the LSAT creates tricky wrong answers so that you’re better equipped to avoid them.

TheLogic Games Strategy Guide(9781935707844) is oriented towards the latest trends in LSAT logic games, making it truly cutting-edge. The logic games are neatly organized into different game types, and a strategy for approaching each type is presented, followed by drills designed to encourage mastery of the diagram system and the typical inferences for that game type. While arming students with a comprehensive system, this guide encourages a flexible approach that allows students to adapt to whatever curveballs the LSAT throws at them.

Special features include online access to class recordings, online learning labs, and a downloadable study guide and progress-tracking tool.
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发表于 2015-2-3 11:10:01 | 只看该作者
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