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AI092 大家看看……

发表于 2005-6-13 15:03:00 | 只看该作者

AI092 大家看看……

92. (黄金80)

Government should establish regulations to reduce or eliminate any suspected health hazards in the environment, even when the scientific studies of these health hazards are incomplete or contradictory.

发表于 2005-6-13 15:43:00 | 只看该作者

1.suspected health hazards in the environment should be eliminated.Because it it dangerous to human's health.we can cite some examples to indicate that how serious the problem is.

2.But it is not wise to conduct the action when the scientific studies of these health hazards are incomplete or contradictory.Without sufficient evidence, the government make prudential decision to try this action.Becasuse sometimes things we suspect hazardous prove to be undangerous or even be good to other aspects.

3.It is better to decisice what is going to do after the scientific result testifies the substance to be hazardous in human's health with certainty and whether it is serious enough to take action.

发表于 2005-6-13 17:39:00 | 只看该作者

my point of view: agree with the author

1Health hazards should be eliminated or at least reduced for health is the first concern of all.

2Even if the sentific studies of these hazards are incomplete, it is still critical for the government to reduce or eliminate them. We should take precautions rather than mend the fold after the sheep is lost.

3The opponents may contend that it is imprudent and reckless for the government to act before the final conclusion has been made. For other prpblems, the government can wait, but for health hazards, I think, the government had better act as quickly as possible.

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