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[阅读小分队] 揽瓜阁做题小分队 第5天 瑞士边界对和平的作用

发表于 2021-4-4 16:51:23 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
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Switzerland has three official national languages (French, Italian, and German) and two major religions (Catholicism and Protestantism). This level of diversity has often led to conflict and even violence in other countries, but Switzerland has maintained a peaceful coexistence since its establishment as a federal state in 1848. What could explain this unusual stability? A new study examines well-defined topographical and political boundaries separating groups and draws some surprising conclusions. In Switzerland, landscape elements tend to separate linguistic groups, while political cantons, which are similar to states or provinces, tend to separate religious groups. The study suggests that these physical or geographical barriers allow for partial autonomy among disparate groups within a single country and thus foster peace.

The study considered the effect of physical separations, such as those caused by lakes and mountain ranges, determining the scale of these boundaries via an edge detection algorithm that calculates topographical heights. Where a sharp contrast in height, such as a cliff, also continued for a significant distance, the researchers designated a physical boundary between groups. Throughout the regions separated by these types of boundaries, a quiet reign of peace has persisted for nearly two centuries. Where such boundaries do not exist, however, politically or linguistically mixed cantons are more prevalent and violence is more common. One such canton, Jura, has both a history of conflict and a porous mountain range that does not fully separate linguistic groups.

Some researchers hypothesized that political boundaries might encourage stability in places where physical boundaries are absent. However, existing evidence suggests that political boundaries might not be sufficient to discourage violence. For example, Jura was formed in 1979 in response to sustained attacks between a local German-speaking Protestant population and another French speaking Catholic population. The new canton created an autonomous political region for the French-speaking Catholic population, though the French-speaking Protestant region chose to remain affiliated with the German-speaking Protestants in the existing canton of Bern, valuing similar religion over similar language. Because of remaining linguistic differences, conflict in the region continued. A proposal to combine the French-speaking Protestant areas with the French-speaking Catholic areas is currently being considered, despite little evidence that any boundaries except physical ones effectively temper violence.

1. In the passage, the author is primarily interested in
(A) suggesting a modification to a flawed theory
(B) initiating a debate about the true cause of a historical conflict
(C) introducing a theory that seeks to answer a particular question
(D) arguing that one method for addressing a question is preferable to another
(E) explaining the development of an established theory

2. According to the passage, which the following is true about physical boundaries between populations within the same country?
(A) They are the only proven method for fostering peace.
(B) They allow distinct groups to live more autonomously and peacefully than might otherwise be the case.
(C) They can be the result of natural or man-made landscape elements.
(D) They are less effective than political boundaries in maintaining peace in a region.
(E) They are more easily overcome with the advent of modern technology and transportation.

3. The author of the passage discusses the history of the canton Jura in order to
(A) prove definitively that physical boundaries are the key to maintaining peace among disparate political and religious groups
(B) remind readers that it is extremely difficult to sustain peace in all regions of a country
(C) speculate about how Switzerland might finally resolve the ongoing conflicts in the region
(D) provide an example of a canton in which the lack of physical boundaries appears to exacerbate differences of opinion among the populace
(E) suggest that there are alternative methods to reduce conflict among warring groups when physical boundaries are not present

4. Which of the following is true of the study of topographical boundaries discussed in the passage?
(A) It considered the length as well as the height of natural boundaries.
(B) It was conducted by French and German researchers.
(C) It did not take into account man-made physical boundaries.
(D) It concluded that physical boundaries are necessary in order to ensure a certain level of peace among the population.
(E) It rated mountains as more effective barriers than lakes.

5. It can be inferred from the passage that Switzerland’s political boundaries
(A) are responsible for its remarkable history of peaceful coexistence among diverse groups
(B) are typically based upon natural geographic boundaries
(C) lead to more conflict in French- and German-speaking areas than in Italian-speaking areas
(D) are capable of being changed
(E) should be based upon language similarities, not religious similarities

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发表于 2021-4-4 20:25:27 发自 iPhone | 只看该作者

P1: 交界地带大多动乱频仍,但瑞士例外,一项研究以此为例分析政治和地理因素如何维持区域和平

P2: 研究人员通过特定算法来验证地理区隔对区域稳定的作用,同时发现在没有地理区隔的情况下,仅凭借政治性区划无法避免冲突的发生,引出下文Jura的例子。

P3: 有研究者认为没有足够的地理区隔,政治性的区划也有助于维持区域稳定,但Jura地区的前世今生说明了这一观点并不正确。

发表于 2021-4-4 20:52:29 | 只看该作者
发表于 2021-4-4 21:05:48 | 只看该作者

发表于 2021-4-4 21:58:15 | 只看该作者
Switzerland has maintained peace - reason is geographical barriers - effect of physical separation - an effect way in tempering violence

发表于 2021-4-4 23:53:25 | 只看该作者
发表于 2021-4-5 04:17:23 | 只看该作者
发表于 2021-4-5 07:22:56 | 只看该作者
发表于 2021-4-5 08:42:31 | 只看该作者
发表于 2021-4-5 09:08:03 | 只看该作者


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