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[作文互改] 一篇issue,求互改,求狠拍!

发表于 2014-9-20 22:29:03 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
Education is important in human’s life, especially for the teenagers.When it comes to the importance of the same national curriculum before entercollege, different people have different ideas. Is it necessary to study thesame national curriculum for all of nation’s students? As is concerned inseveral aspects, the same national curriculum do has many advantages, however, whenassign the national curriculum, the nation should also take the particularcircumstances in local conditions in to account.
To begin with, the same national curriculum contributes to theeducation’s development from many aspects. By requiring the same nationalcurriculum until students enter college could the nation uniform all thestudents’ education level, and therefore make sure the students on the samestart line. Since, different local education level may be unfair for studentsif they are accepted to the same college. If the college assigns the curriculumaccording to the higher level education students then students from the lowerlevel one may have much difficulty in keeping up the whole class, which may resultingin examination failure. At the same time, these failures in examination mayfurther lead to physical and psychological pressure that may even be harmfulfor students’ whole life. On the contrary, these problems might not happen ifall the students have studied the same national curriculum before entercollege. In light of this, the same national curriculum may give students afair chance for further education in college and then affect the life in thefuture.
As for the nation whereimplement the same national curriculum, it will be a good and efficient way to economizethe nation’s resource. For example, the nation could make a good use of theexcellent teacher resources. Through gathering the outstanding and lavishteaching experience to constitute the same national curriculum, a nation couldbring the local students from distant areas with chances to receive more advancededucation. In addition, the same nation curriculum could also save spending onlarge numbers of teachers, since it is entirely possible that the nation complementthe curriculum through network. Moreover, this network curriculum would not belimited by time and space, that is, giving student a computer, he or she couldstudy it whenever convenient and wherever possible. As viewed in this fashion,no wonder that there are some people especially some officials prefer the samenational curriculum.
However, after a comprehensive consideration from several differentaspects, the same national curriculum has some drawbacks apart from theadvantages mentioned earlier. As a matter of fact, the same national curriculumis lack of the feasibility. Just consider, the districts where have nocomputers. Without the network and computers how could these students acquirethe curriculum? Also, because of disparities in different regions, the generalcurriculum may be not fit with the cultural traditions and some other habits.For example, it is possible that the same national curriculum can not apply innational minorities. Besides, requirement of the same national curriculum maylead to a loss of diversity and deprave the students’ interest and creativity.After all, the national curriculum’s complement need occupy some time and thenthe students have no enough time to develop their own hobbies. Therefore, eventhough we can not deny the fact that same national curriculum do haveadvantages both for the students and the whole nation, consider the feasibilityof the process, we should
In sum, the samenational curriculum until college could save human resource and give the whole studentsa fair chance to acquire the same education, however, it’s advantages are, atthe same time, be limited by the feasibility. Therefore, we should employ amore useful and feasible method to improve the education level. Maybe we couldmake sure most of the curriculum before college is same and add in certaincriterion to cater for particular demands.
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